
Left to Right: The husband of the imprisoned bride, Rabbi Chaim Steiner and Member Knesset Michoel Ben-Ari. Photo: Shturem.

The Lubavitcher newlywed serving prison time in an IDF jail was released, B"H, after being pardoned by the adjutant general branch of the Israeli military.

Imprisoned Kallah Pardoned, Released


Left to Right: The husband of the imprisoned bride, Rabbi Chaim Steiner and Member Knesset Michoel Ben-Ari. Photo: Shturem.

The Lubavitcher newlywed serving prison time in an IDF jail was released, B”H, after being pardoned by the adjutant general branch of the Israeli military.

R’ Chaim Steiner, a memeber of Anash in Nachlas Har Chabad who serves as vice-mayor of Kiryat Malachi, and Michoel Ben-Ari, a member of the Knesset, had a leading role in her release.