New Mezuzah Leads to Bar Mitzvah in Ukraine
Twice a year, brothers Nechemya and Yair Ledaiev, members of the Lubavitch community in France, travel to far-flung places across the globe to help isolated Jews fulfill the Mitzvah of Mezuzah. This week, while in the western Ukrainian city of Vinnitza, they were helping a Jewish family affix a Mezuzah when they learned that their son would be celebrating his 13th birthday the following day.
The brothers immediately got in touch with the city’s rabbi, Chabad Shliach Rabbi Shaul Horowitz, and together they arranged a Bar Mitzvah for the boy in the city’s main synagogue. They also gifted him with his own new pair of Tefilin.
fam. elharrar reouven
kol Hakavod
These Ladayev brothers are Tzadikim. They spend so much of their own funds, time and resources to ensure that every jew has a mezuzah on their door. IT should be a zechus for them that their own families and all jews in france should be safe