Camp L’maan Achai Hosts Shabbaton in Miami
Camp L’man Achai recently organized a meaningful shabbaton in Miami, Florida. The Shabbaton, which was held on Shabbos Parshas Va’era, gave campers from all around Florida the opportunity to truly enjoy an authentic and heartwarming Shabbos experience together with their friends and staff from summer camp.
Held at the Chabad House of Highland Lakes, campers were treated to unique Minyanim, special Shabbat meals, various activities and Fabrengens. On motzei shabbos, the group had a Melave Malka at the home of Mr. Matis Abarbanel who told over the inspiring story of his spiritual journey to Judaism.
The campers were then treated to an amazing excursion to Boomers, where they enjoyed laser-tag and many other fun activities.
One camper described the Shabbaton as “the most fun that I experienced since summer camp.”
Another Camp L’man Achai Shabbaton will be held in Crown Heights on Parshas Teruma, and is anticipated by all of the campers.
Camp L’man Achai is a Jewish overnight camp that combines an enriched Jewish atmosphere with the best recreational programs.
CLA is about making people feel welcome and at home in a traditional Jewish setting. It strives to let every camper take part in traditions they might not practice outside of camp and give them an opportunity to build meaningful and lifelong friendships, enjoy outdoor adventure and deepen their love of Judaism.
For more information, visit http://www.JewishCampers.com.
the man behind it all
Nosson Kuperman keep making the rebbe smile!!
hes truly an amazing guy.
Greatest camp!
And incredibly devoted staff!
sounds like a very dedicated camp and staff…
nosson kuperman is truly behind it all. god bless him.
the rebbe is behind it! besides there are lots of bachurim invoved in peulos around the world