This past Shabbos, Parshas Ki-Savo, a Shabbaton for ‘Lone Soldiers’ serving in the IDF was held at Ascent in Tzfat. The program was organized by Eli Naiditch of Ascent and Mordechai Botnick of Chayal El Chayal.

Lone Soldiers Uplifted at Ascent Shabbaton

This past Shabbos, Parshas Ki-Savo, a Shabbaton for ‘Lone Soldiers’ serving in the IDF was held at Ascent in Tzfat. The program was organized by Eli Naiditch of Ascent and Mordechai Botnick of Chayal El Chayal.

The program consisted of a Friday afternoon class taught by Ezzy Morgenstern (former commander in the IDF and current liaison in the Lone Soldier Center in Haifa). The class focused on life lessons a soldier can gain from their training in the army. Afterwards, the girls had the opportunity to bake Challah while the boys visited the Arizal’s Mikvah.

After candle lighting, an inspirational Kabbalat Shabbat was held on the roof overlooking the scenic mountains of the Galilee. The soldiers spent their Friday night meal with host families.

One of the soldiers happened to be stuck on base the previous week and was unable to attend his cousin’s wedding. He was set up with a host family, where his cousin and new wife had inadvertently arranged to attend a meal too, surprising him with the opportunity to see the new couple before they returned back home.

Afterwards everyone rejoined at Ascent for a Farbrengen marking the celebration of Chai Elul and preparations for Rosh Hashanah, lasting long into the night.

Shabbos day the soldiers visited numerous synagogues around The Old City of Safed to experience the different cultures that the city has to offer, and then had a beautiful meal provided by Ascent.

There was a tour of Safed given by Ezzy Morgenstern that wound through the different points of where and how the city was conquered, ending at the stronghold of Metsudah – located at the peak of the city.

Soldiers were so inspired by the sight that an impromptu kumzitz began in one of the caves on the Metsuda with nigunim being sung until sunset.

A musical havdalah capped off the evening, and Rabbi Mordechai Siev presented each soldier with their very own Ascent bi-lingual Tanya to guard and inspire them throughout the rest of their service.

Ascent of Safed provides a Jewish retreat/study centre offering an experience in Jewish lifestyle and mysticism primarily for Jews with a limited religious background.

Chayal el Chayal is a Lone Soldiers support organization providing physical and spiritual support, and giving the soldier’s a home away from home.