Rabbi Yossi Jacobson Moving on Shlichus
The following letter was sent to members of Congregation Beis Shmuel in Crown Heights, by their beloved Rabbi of many years – Rabbi Yossi Jacobson.
B“H. Friday, 20 Elul, 5772.
Dear beloved Bais Shmuel member,
It is with a bitter-sweet feeling that I write you this letter. In a few months, my family and I will ay”h be moving on Shlichus. With the advice of mentors, I felt that for me and my family to maximize our potentials, it was appropriate for us to move into another phase of our Shlichus.
I want to thank you, and the entire Bais Shmuel family, for the privilege and opportunity of spending five beautiful years with you, years during which I have learned and grown so much, and during which my wife and I developed friendships which will G-d willing last a life time. The kindness, warmth and integrity I have seen in so many of you will always continue to inspire me and my family.
Needless to say, our relationship will continue, even if you will not see me every Shabbos. If I can ever be of any assistance to you, in any way, please call me. To the best of my ability I will bli neder be here for every one of you in any way I can. Don’t delete my number from your cell phones…
This is the moment to express my profound gratitude to my dear beloved friend, our dearest founder and President, Moshe Pinson. Five years ago, when Moshe came to my home to invite me to serve as Rabbi, I did not anticipate what an incredible rewarding journey this would be for me and my family. With all the learning, the Shiurim, the davening, the Farbrengens, the conversations, and the connections, I am deeply grateful to Moshe, who has always been there for me-and for all of us-in every possible way, with genuine selflessness, loyalty and friendship.
I am so thankful to the past and present Board of Directors for their friendship and support and everything they did for me and the Shul. In addition, I want to thank each and every member for being who you are and contributing your unique flavor and personality to our diverse and incredible community.
How lucky I am to have known so many people who make it so hard to say goodbye. I am proud to say, that my moving on comes with not an ounce of negative energy; not from me and not from the leadership of Bais Shmuel. We love each other genuinely, and will continue to do so. I will miss you and always continue to cherish my years in Bais Shmuel. Truth be told, in life, you never leave someone behind; rather you take a part of them with you and leave a part of yourself behind.
I love you all, and express my heartfelt wishes that you continue to grow as individuals and as a community. Remember, every bump in a road is an opportunity to get off track or to be elevated. May each of you and all of us remember that the ultimate meaning of our lives is to be servants of Hashem, and to ask ourselves in each situation, “What does Hashem want from me and from us at this very moment?” That, and only that, is the only question that really matters.
The end of an era can always become the beginning of a new one. As one door closes, another opens up. I request from all of you, to see this moment in the beautiful story of Bais Shmuel as an opportunity to help the Shul reinvigorate itself with even more energy and commitment to learning, Davening, spiritual growth, and Ahavas Yisroel. (And for your children’s sake to keep that Shul quiet during davening!)
My dearest friends, may we all give the Rebbe much nachas, and may all of us be blessed with a Shanah Tovah U’mesukah, for us and our loved ones, amongst Klal Yisroel, a year of abundant health, happiness, prosperity, a year of true redemption.
Looking forward to spending a most meaningful Tishrei and Cheshvan with you,
With warmest blessings, I remain,
Rabbi YY Jacobson
A negotiating ploy for a raise?
maio & luigi from miami are SOOOOOO HAPPPPPPYYYY!!!!!!!
While I wish him well I think he’s just another example of the “brain drain.” The best leave us to sink further & deeper into the filth in search of fame & fortune elsewhere (although @ BS I bet he had both.) Why is CH less important than anywhere else? You don’t think we have major problems here? We need people like Rabbi Jacobson to bring back our young people and save this holy place, the Rebbe’s schechuna, from destruction. But I guess CH isn’t “Shlichus.” So what are we? Apart from forgotten?
Welcoming the Mountain to Miami
Mony, looks like the mountain (eminence) is following you to ‘the beach.’ Lucky you. Now, at the same time you’re building your new home on the beach right next door to the force behind JLC Yossi D, you’ll have to assist the mountain in finding a place of its own.
I can now see many families follow the great mountain to your neck of the woods. Real estate prices in your neigborhood will surely sky rocket. Enjoy.
Best wishes to Rabbi Jacobson, best wishes to his new congrgation and best wishes to all the miami congregations together with all Jews where ever they are, a Kesivah V’Chasima Tova and a Shonoh Tova Umsukah!
Brother of the Kiddush manager
Malichovsky for rabbi. And Bundy for youth director.
whats up with that pic?
Um, Yuh, let’s call it that. Would love to know what Package they offered him to make it worth while moving to Miami…
Please, stay in NY.
to #3 the skeptic
the new savior of CH will be Chezy Dennenbaum of CAY – oy meh haya lanu???
huge loss to ch hope he returns to evergreen for
The summers
This is the third yeridah i’ve seen this year. Two of the best michanichim in my chidrens school left for career in kiruv shlichus and now R’ Jacobson.
My wife and I have been thinking of doing something similar. Making aliyah to Eretz Yisroel and joining a community that doesn’t have this problem.
Will Miss You!
Bitter-sweet feelings you say? It is with great difficulty to not look at this as bitter for us- and sweet for them. However, Kol Hakovod for fulfilling a motto you have quoted many times:
“Carpe Diem”- Seize the day! Wishing you much Brochoh and Hatzlochoh, A Gut Gebentched Yohr!
Nebach at least when he spoke the bs crowd managed to shut up for 30 mins!!! Now what????
So I guess we know now who the next keynote speaker at the Kinus HaShluchim is.
Is he going to the JLC or not?
chana grossman
no 11 come to ramet beis shemesh aleph in israel u wont have a problem frum tznius lovely community
TO #13 i dont know what shul ur talking about but BS hade ZERO respected for him they useed him to have a nice cover. its sad hes leaving i wish him all the best.
Ksiva v-chasima tova
Shulchon Oruch: when writing a letter during month of Elul, we include wishes of K V T…
time to move on
Its time to leave crown heights save yourself and your families
its speaks volumes that he is moving.
Generation Next
Never mind the job in Florida, never mind Beis Shmuel, Jacobson should stay in New York, become the 8th Lubavitcher Rebbe. There’s no need to find some einikle of the Mitteler Rebbe. Y.Y. Jacobson has demonstrated that he can speak sichos (entirely based on the works of the Chabad Rabbeim). He probably can’t say new maamarim, but he has the memory to chazzer a Maamer every week. So it won’t be a time of new chassidus, but it will be better than what there is now. And maybe once he takes the position, Hashem will breathe a new soul into him. Some people won’t like it, so they can go elsewhere, or remain with their memories.
Bais shmuel and CAY should merge and rabbi Denebeim will be the rabbi. What a great fit
So, What is his new position? & Where?
mendy g
to 15 YES he is going to JLI he has shottenstein & bistritzsky who offered him a VERY VERY nice offer money talks BS (bais shmuel) walks
mendy knows
not true i heard he is not going to the jli
to the bitter # 20
Is your information 1st hand or are you just a bitter speculating individual. And if you’re for real, pray tell us what these two guys actually offered Jacobson.
JLI is in Florida? What is he doing for them there, that he can’t do in CH? How old is he/ his kids btw? just curious.
to # 20
please put your pants on and go like daven or something
mendy g
It was a typo it’s not JLI it’s JLC
to number 29:
pfft why would anyone go from crown heights to nmb??? it would be completely the same shvartza infested neighborhood. I mean comon the balebatim walk around on shabbos with guns on them… on shabbos. Miami beach would suit rabbi yyj very well and I am looking forward to seeing him there every day.
Whazup Doc?
Why do folks in CH whine about it being so bad…you are CH. If it is bad, whose fault is it?
Has Gd left too?
Am”h??? The word is IM Yirtzeh Hashm; not AM Yirtzeh… also, not talking in shul is not only for your kids; if for yourself also… Hatzlacha rabah
Be Bisimacha
Calm down everyone. He has a right to follow his dreams just like you follow yours. In this internet age you can learn from him everyday on the net. And when you go on vacation in Miami you will come back inspired.
Replacement blessings
Does: “may all of us be blessed with a Shanah Tovah U’mesukah, for us and our loved ones, amongst Klal Yisroel, a year of abundant health, happiness, prosperity, a year of true redemption”, replace a “ksivah vchasima tova”?
A Thought
Ask the simple question: How “well knowm” was Rabbi Jacobson before he became the “Rabbi” in Beis Shmuel, a shul that has inspired many “copycats” well before Rabbi Jacobson became involved. Sometimes, people believe the success of an organization is because of them, rather than the other way around. Good luck Rabbi Jacobson, but seriously ask yourself where you were headed before BS and MP in particular took you under his wing.
To # 35
You are spot on. Bigger men have made the same miscalculation.
CH resident.
A crown heights resident. we well dearly miss you. Rabbi Jacobson accomplished what was not done and what CH dearly needed. Thank you again for all the growth you brought to so many lives.
Get a Life!
Well, if he is all you say he is, isn’t it possible that Gd may want him somewhere else and your foolishness may just be the reason why?