The young Lubavitcher woman who was sentenced to 50 days in Israeli military prison for alleged 'draft dodging' has been temporarily released, and will spend Shabbos with her Chosson and family.

Imprisoned Newlywed Released for Shabbos

The young Lubavitcher woman who was sentenced to 50 days in Israeli military prison for alleged ‘draft dodging’ has been temporarily released, and will spend Shabbos with her Chosson and family.

She will be returned to prison after Shabbos.

The surprising move came amid much effort on the part of Chabad Askanim, who expressed hope that this is the first step toward her definitive and permanent release from custody.


  • Money for Nothin-

    Not good enough.Still a curse should come upon the prison and its stinking wardens.

  • GadolHador

    Let this be a lesson- if you live in a country with a compulsory draft you had better be legally not serving in the military.

  • Rabbi yakov Lazaros

    She must be set free period.
    This is a disgrace on the Israeli Judicial system.

  • Know the rules of your land.

    Yes, this is a very sad story, but She lives in that country and she must go by its rules and regulations. We live in America and if you don’t show up to jury duty = prison.

  • Rivkie

    There is no excuse for the Israeli system doing such a despicable lowly thing to imprison a newly married woman! Women do not have to serve in the army, particularly frum women. And we have to obey Torah laws. This is a shameful situation and must be corrected. And what a galus mentality to defend the Israeli system! The system has to change.

  • Milhouse

    A law that imprisons someone for not having filled in a form is a WICKED law and it is everybody’s duty to resist it.