Finnish Politician Accuses Chabad of Mossad Ties
Esko Seppänen, a former member of the European parliament and a leading figure in Finland’s Left Alliance party, has condemned the decision of the Helsinki City Council to sell old maritime customs barracks to the Chabad-Lubavitch movement.
Seppänen claimed that Chabad has links with Israeli espionage agencies. According to Nordic blog Tundra Tabloids, Seppänen said that the that former Marine Customs property is an ideal location for “the interception of messages of the telecommunications of the Finnish State.” He added that that the “Mossad represents ‘state terrorism’” and expressed concern that the building now owned by Chabad would “in the future also be an attractive target for anti-Israeli terrorist attacks.”
Despite slamming the sale and accusing Chabad of Mossad ties without producing evidence – the mission of the organization is the promotion of Judaism and the Jewish faith – Seppänen was quick to offer the assurance that he is not “an anti-Semite.”
Remind me again?
Where did I see that hairstyle before?
Uncanny how with his hairstyle and all he Poshut looks like Hitler Yemach Shmo!
familiar face?
oy vey!! this guy looks painfully familiar…
he looks like hitler.
Is this news?
Everyone knows Chabad is the most powerful jewish organization in the world with a far wider reach than the state of Israel could possibly have.
Who else would they turn to? Our “friends” in America? No, they turn to the Rebbe’s shluchim.
Sheliach abuse gotta stop!
What are you talking about. The Jewish federation is much more powerful then the Shluchim.
He looks like Hitler Yimach Shimo
Is it just me...
…or does anyone else think he looks like a certain Amalek?
looks like a Nazi
Funny, all Jews are connected. He’s right.
He is a anti semite and look’s like Hitler REMEMBER FINLAND WAS fighting for Nazi cause he looks like a NAZI AND NOT ANTI SEMITE?!.
Finland did NOT fight for the Nazi cause. Finland fought the USSR, which was just as evil as the Third Reich. It accepted help from Germany, as anyone in that position would. You would have done the same thing. But it refused the Germans’ demands to pass antisemitic laws.
There were Jewish soldiers in the Finnish army, and the German soldiers who were sent to help Finland objected to serving together with these Jews. The Finns told them that if they objected they could go back to Germany, but the Jews would not be moved. That was a very brave stand to take, when they desperately needed the German help, but they did it.
Hi, I’m from Finland and would like to point out that Mr. Seppänen’s possible anti-semitic tendencies are a result of his far-left convictions and his unwavering support for the Palestinian state. Finnish Fascist/Rightist/Nationalist movement wasn’t anti-semitic, just like Italian Fascism wasn’t. And nowadays the “Finnish Right” is basically just market liberals.
The biggest issue with the Helsinki Chabad house was that it is located next to the Presidential palace in the city centre, has nearly 8000 square feet of floor space, and is the second oldest residential building in the whole city and the asking price was lower than that of a 300 square feet studio apartment in the suburbs! But to be fair, the building was in awful condition.
P.S. If you google more images of Seppänen, I don’t think he is that Hitler-looking after all.
hes another waste of space
i think a little mustach would suit him well
Cholent Mit Kugel
Look, some womens sheitels look like hair helmets, the ones nazis wore in WW2. HE just needs a new conditioner. His ends are totally split!!!
he really does look intensely Aryan.
who gave him that idea of connection to Mossad? Maybe someone in the mossad wanted a chanukah menorah or something. this man looks odd.
The Finns are not Aryan!
we are
Just watch any jewish revenge video
my vote is
only the moustache is missing because he looks like the worst creature in history.