Vice President Biden to Light National Menorah
U.S Vice President Joseph Biden will participate at the lighting of the National Menorah with Chabad-Lubavitch on the first night of Chanukah, December 16th at 4:00 p.m.
The tall menorah stands on the Ellipse opposite the White House and the Washington Monument, and has become one of the most visible Jewish icons in the United States. The Vice President will be the second highest ranking official ever to attend the lighting.
In 1979, the year that the National Menorah went up for the first time, President Jimmy Carter participated at the lighting by kindling theshamash, the candle used to kindle the other lights.
The event became a source of controversy, opposed by many who saw it as a precedent-setting breach of the constitutional separation of church and state. Years later, in 1989, that debate was laid to rest when the Supreme Court ruled in favor of allowing the menorah to be erected on public property.
“We are honored that Vice President Joe Biden will be attending the lighting ceremony of the National Menorah on December 16th,” said Rabbi Levi Shemtov, Executive Vice President of American Friends of Lubavitch, which sponsors the annual event.
Levi, you are a true inspiration and pride for chabad and the Jewish people the world over, the quintessential definition of a shliach that certainly makes the Rebbe so proud. May you continue to go from strength to strength and continue to be a leading example for us all.
YY Hurwitz
Liberty NY by CGI “dem Rebben’s Camp” NY
Mayor Dan Ratner will light the Menorah [at Shoprite Mall] the 5th candle, Motzei Shabbos @ 7:45
Music, entertainment, refreshments, etc..etc..everyone is invited
Please come and participate make history in Liberty,
the more the merrier, tickets are NOT required.
Chabad of Swan Lake , Rabbi Yossi Hurwitz
pidyon shevuim
reb levi dont waste the opportunity from including sm rubashkin in the program and get biden prepared to get obama to pardon all the publicity you get for this is zeo compared to pidyon shvuim
Aaron minkowitz
This could be a real opportunity at the lighting
Of the menorah to ask that they immediately release
Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin
From his darkness