Hester: The Secret Club for Lubavitchers
Hester is the name of a an underground, word-of-mouth supper club / cafe / speakeasy / community space, hosted by Itta Werdiger Roth, which is geared toward the ‘Chabad Lite’ in their 30s crowd. Located in Ditmas Park, the club’s location is secret, and the once-a-month event can be attended by invitation only.
While there are many who feel this social setting is not appropriate for the frum crowd – after all, it is co-ed and open to people of all faiths – the owner of the club has gone to great lengths to ensure that the events meet the basic standards of Halacha and that young Lubavitchers feel comfortable attending. The food is all strictly kosher, and female performers are barred from singing on stage, for example.
The cover was blown from atop this secret society by a couple of articles which appeared in the Israeli Haaretz newspaper, as well as the Jewish Week. They can be read here and here, respectivly.
(Photos by Schneur Menaker Photography)
so open minded your brains fell out.
THE MAIN PROBLEM OF THE HALCHIC WORLD IS THAT IT IS BASED ON HEIRARCHIES. once frum prople begin thinking like this,it’s the beginning of the end.nebach.
habad hasid
refuah shleimah ukiroivah!!
the chabad world is fliping out from chabad light to cay shull to this whats next……..
Lubavitcher Parent, Flatbush
It’s about time for Chabad people to meet at an appropriate meeting place. Amazing. I will tell my daughter about it.
A new level of stupidity.
I guess down under Judaism is watered down.
just asking
just curious
i wonder what reb mendel ad reb zalmen would have to say
i am pretty sure they wouldnt be happy
also doesnt her husband write poetry that should not be read by bochrim
Oh man...
This is scary
It is a shame. These people are open minded only in the direction of their agenda and nothing else.
To all you unhappy complainers
To all of you who yell and denigrate all those who attend CAY or any other shul or group that you don’t approve of, just like this place; Hester.
If you don’t like it; DON”T GO THERE!!!
No one asked you to come.
No one invited you.
No one invited your kids.
Stay home and complain to your spouse or neighbor.
But, don’t stop others from living their lives.
It’s you small minded and poor self confident people who feel so threatened by all of these groups/shuls etc that it’s like a stake through your heart. ANd the only way you can try to elevate your petty/meaningless life is by pulling others down.
Grow up!!!
If you want to better the world; do it via positive and empowering actions.
Stop trying to take everyone else’s joy of life away.
Live and let live!!
There is room for everyone in this world.
Now, crawl back into your pity party cave and kvetch to each other and let the rest of us live our lives.
By the way, I feel bad for your kids, growing up in an environment so full of unhappiness and hatred.
No wonder they all want to attend these events when they get older, so they can find some joy in life.
I Guarantee you both these chassidim are turning in their graves. Being educated has nothing to do with frat parties. Woman grow up and take care of your husband and children. I am embarrassed that you would want to affiliate yourself with chabad.
Toevah is welcome
Toevah practising people are welcome! WOW! That makes CAY look so non-welcoming! CAY – needs to learn from Hester how to have complete ahvas yisroel!
Come back
“Interestingly, itโs the non-Jewish guests who are most sensitive to this. They ask me if a T-shirt and jeans is all right. Of course itโs all right.”
A venue that mixes Jews and non-Jews? Itta, my heart is breaking. Please rethink what you are doing. I know you don’t want to contribute to the destruction of the Jewish people. You can do iskafia in one instant and have a kesiva v’chasima tova.
by-product of the hippy generation
When is it going to stop? Why can’t this woman understand that to be a FULFILLED frum woman, one doesn’t have to be as the “liberal free thinkers” of the 1960’s. She is just that…she was born to the wrong generation.
I was born in the 1950’s. I was too young to be aware of the drugs & “free love” hysteria but I did take in some of the fringe culture. And I came from a frum home too.
This young woman will look back in 20 years, as so many of the hippy era do today, & she’ll regret this attempt to marry secular culture & pretentiousness with yiddishkeit. As so many former hippies have “tattoo regret” when they go to their Wall Street firms & have to hide their ink, so too will she cringe at her foolishness which is only contributing to the moral decline of Chassidishkeit. Her intentions are pure, I’m sure. But remember the saying: the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
I don’t know if #12’s comment is tongue-in-cheek, but in my opinion, it should be. We are sinking at an even faster rate that I thought possible. When she grows up she’ll get it, but why this was given any credence or publicity is beyond my comprehension.
Cool it guys
No one is saying this is chabad. All they are saying is that in Hashem’s world there is room for everyone.
Chabad is famous for saying to others, “we want you to know that in truth there are 613 mitzvahs to do, but hey, if your a newcomer and you can only cope with 3 or 4 mitzvahs, well thats ok for a start, and when you are ready for more you will come on your own and ask for more mitzvahs”.
So really chabad straight, give these guys some slack. If they were to call themselves chabad then you can complain. but they are not calling themselves chabad, so let them be.
and yes, go and do some mivtzoim yourself before you go around criticizing others who are doing things to bring some Yidden together. (whether its your style or not).
Stay home and be “unchasidish” to your spouse or neighbor dont publicize it
It’s you overly open minded and overly self confident people who feel so unthreatened by g-d and the rebbe that it’s like you have no heart. ANd the only way you can try to elevate your petty/meaningless life is by pulling it under everyones noses so you get alot of attention
If you want to better the world; do it via positive and empowering actions.
If you want to better the world; do it via positive and empowering actions.
By the way, I feel bad for your kids, growing up in an environment so full of unhappiness and hatred.
No wonder they all want to attend these events when they get older, so they can find some joy in life.
itta werdiger roth
Can someone please INTELLIGENTLY explain themselves and what they mean by the horrible loshon horah that they’ve written up here? I honestly cannot see why it is necessary to point negative fingers towards what I’m doing. It’s actually a really good thing, for so many reasons and I’m sorry that not everyone can see that, but that’s life. At least if you’re going to say things about my great grandfather turning in his grave, explain why – because, wow, what a horrible thing to say! In fact, I think he would be proud of me. So, please, put a name to your comments and explain what is wrong with what I’m doing? Am I braking some halacha that I am unaware of? YOU people are the ones not bringing moshiach. Your relationship with other people is mirrored in the way you relate to hashem. Be positive! Do good things and then maybe we’ll actually get out of this galus that people like YOU created.
Rock on!!
Hester is truly an inspiration. It is amazing what one women, with the support of her husband and friends can do. Itta you are truly an inspiration. Not only have you seen a void but you are actively working to fill it.
I know that you are a true Ovedet Hashem and that Hester is in line with Hashem, Torah and the pulse of Am Yisrael.
This has A LOT of potential.
Shaking My Head...at YOU
As usual, the frummest of the frum embarrass themselves by their comments. Oh well.
Rabbi Yossi Serebryanski - Denver
To number 6 and 11.
You obviously never had the zechus to meet my zayda z’l.
He was not into the condemning business.
I would venture to say that he would be proud of Itta who not only marches to her own band.. but created a place for that band to preform.
Itta, you need to ask your bubba about bobbe’s Maryasha and her mother Rochel Leah, and the mumah Hinda..
Yisroel Newman
After seeing a Facebook comment by Mrs Werdiger Roth, I decided to comment.
I’m not going to go into all of the Halachic sources here, but the idea that there is a formal setting for a mixing of genders as well as mixing of Jew and non-Jew is clearly an issue.
Mrs Roth believes this issue to be hashkafic at best and that’s why she was careful when it comes to kol isha etc.
The two aforementioned ideas – mixing of gender and religons – are not just a problem philosophically where they may lead to an aveirah, but they are clearly decried in Shulchan Aruch and contemporary poskim.
Don-t Talk If You Haven-t Been
As I can see from the comments, I don’t think this article painted a very accurate picture of the events or we wouldn’t have this kind of talk here.
I’ve been there a couple of times, and I can tell you that it’s very classy. The biggest mistake here is calling it a ‘NIGHT CLUB’, which it definitely is not. There is no dancing, there’s no meat-market atmosphere anywhere near that of a nightclub. It’s far more restaurant than anything else, one where someone can enjoy an inventive meal with good, clean entertainment.
I’ve never seen anyone there dressed anything less than tznius, and I’ve never seen any amount of inappropriate mingling there. I think perhaps the problem among the folks commenting here is that they’re assuming that everyone goes wild just because this is a night event, and that’s not so. Every person that came through the door was a Torah Jew and behaved like one. So is the proprietess, and I think people owe her a lot of thanks and respect for creating such a place.
yitzchok c Jerusalem
To you complainers and criticizers you are brain dead. I bet you only read the headline not the article. That is the problem with crown heights everyone is very quick to jump all over everyone that thinks a little outside the box or has a fresh idea (chasidic, halachic or not).I am glad I moved out. Did you ever think maybe that is why you have a tznius problem and your youth are eager to attend cay rather than 770. Dont blame the lack of a rebbe bigashmiyus, the outside world or yuppies the blame goes squarely on your head. btw its a great idea nothing wrong with it 100% kosher thats the point you morons.
A photograph of her paternal great grandfather, Rabbi Zalman Serebryanskiand her great uncle, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Futerfas hangs on the wall at the entrance to The Hester. WHATS WITH THE PHOTOS?
Malach Mechol ken uftan
Wasn’t the Rebbe in touch with the times? Did the Rebbe not start the Mitzvah tank idea? How come none of these type of environments weren’t instituted years ago? Maybe its because even the Shabbos Pigeshas were under the direction and auspicious of Mashpium. The Rebbe didn’t feel the need to have a Chabad house in Crown Heights nor did he feel the need to have a AHAVAS YISROEL SHULLE. So sad how these young farshteirs know exactly what lubavitch is missing and they know how to fix the problem by watering down the Shulchan Aruch and bringing in new minhagim in the name of Lubavich just look at the new hats Kapatos – short tight and red linings-like a mini skirt
and try buying flowers in that forsaken flower shop. Wake up we are living in Sedom
Clearly, most of the commentators have never been there. It’s not at all what you think. Come check it out. If you can go out to a restaurant, you can come to The Hester.
Glass half full
Her great grandfather went to a midbor shmo’mo 60 years ago.
Who would have dreamed that this many years later. The vast majority of his einiklach are y’rai’im u’shlai’mim, and this “rebellious” great grand child (who’s grandmother was raised at a time when there was no chinuch in Australia ) has such a sensitivity to Halacha, is comftorble with the role of women in yidishkiet, is not bitter to Chasidus.
I would guess that , Reb Zalman is dancing.
Jewish dude
This must and i repeat must be shut down it is illegal and against torah.
just publicize the positive .
Just wondering – Why are you posting this article? What makes it newsworthy to the people of Crown Heights?
to num ten
to number ten
you can do what you want but dont take toevah and place it under the umbrella of chabad
dont take the opposite of halacha and allow this
the disgrace is that many people operate by doing what they want under the rebbes name
i assure you the rebbe would never allow this behavior nor would reb mendel futerfas or reb zalman and they would not be pleased with this behavioer or party atmosphere
A father of 20 somethings
there are some very positive aspect of this approach.
One needs however to be careful of avoiding sexual indiscretions
which may occur as a result of such gatherings.
No one is made of plastic.
Keep up the good work
its true
Seeing the mean comments, you guys are no different than the secular world.
to #10
I understand you are a member
Esty B
Seems like a lot of people are attacking Mrs. Werdiger Roth for trying a new idea. This doesn’t sound much different from an informal restaurant with musical performances. At any restaurant you’ll find men and women eating and, even in kosher ones, there may be non-Jews. Of course anyone participating will have to make sure they remain respectable and behave modestly and appropriately, but that’s true of any gathering. Plus, if it brings less observant Jews into a place where they can learn about yiddishkeit, meet observant Jews, and eat tasty kosher food, it might have a good influence on them. Don’t always assume the worst!
what-s the big deal
Different strokes for different folks. If there is a safe and kosher place for our older singles to hang out and perhaps meet someone, then I’m all for it. It doesn’t sound like the place for an average 770 bochur or a newly graduated seminary girl, but it could be good for over 25 set.
Stop with all the Loshon Hora and Richilus. That’s worse than anything this woman is trying to do.
thank u
“A venue that mixes Jews and non-Jews?”
I know of another place that mixes more Jews and non-Jews, you would never believe. You’re standing on it and Hashem created it.
Itta and her husband are doing a beautiful thing. Keep your chin up!
#20, rabbi with all due respect i have met and farbenegen with reb mendel. Personally i couldn’t care who she puts on the wall of her frat parties, but don’t use the Geziar side of her family to agree with her meshugasim. Ask yourself, would you have met your wife, or allow your daughter to hang out at this place????
@Yisroel Newman
Either cite your sources or they don’t exist.
#1 cousin
all of Ita’s cousins think she is fabulous and we are all proud of what she does and the life she leads, our grandfather would be very proud of her. it’s elul, have ahavas yisroel and stop judging people whom you don’t know.
To #38
It’s one thing if you’re walking down a street in Manhattan and you are passing non-Jews or respectfully speaking to a saleslady in a department store. But when people come together under one roof specifically to mingle, etc., that’s quite different from simply inhabiting the same planet as non-Jews. This is, quite simply, playing with fire. What will come of singles coming to mingle with non-Jews? Can you give me a good reason? Will there be a separate shiur for sheva mitzvos bnei Noach?
To #41
Preventing a Jew from doing something against Torah has nothing to do with judging people you don’t know. It’s following a directive in Torah that tells us that we are all responsible for each other and we must rebuke our fellow Jew when we see that they are going in a dangerous direction. Of course, as the Rebbe says, the rebuke should be given with love – as a father loves a son – but there is nothing wrong with recognizing a slippery slope and not standing idly by. Why did Iyov suffer all those tragedies. BECAUSE HE STOOD BY SILENTLY WHEN HE SHOULD HAVE SPOKEN UP.
rather not
You left out the illustrious Rabbi Yisroel Aryeh Gootblatt, ex-shliach in Woodstock, who plays at the Hester. Why the need to mention Rabbi Gregg?
it-s not a frum way
IF Jews & non-Jews are mixing in this seemingly pleasant environment, then you just know what’s next: forbidden (by Torah) relationships. Will Mrs. Roth be happy when she gets an invitation to a mixed-faith “wedding”? Will she be proud of her role in facilitating such relationships?
its good to know
It would break my heart if any of my family attended this gathering. Thank Hashem they were taught proper boundaries and wouldn’t dream of joining. Just because it feels good doesn’t make it right.
Aharon Hakohen did not water down the Torah to be mekarev Yidden. He brought Yidden UP to the Torah.
oy vey
what more do u expect from a woman who was expelled from school numerous times? she’s a trouble maker.. in a grown up form. she said herself the only reason she completed school was because of her family connections. now she’s using her family connections to create some false “hechsher” on her club. this is an embarrassment to her family- whether they admit it or not.
#45, Every kosher restaurant has non-Jewish patrons. There’s nothing stopping a non-Jew from coming to your shul’s kiddush. Plenty of weddings in Crown Heights have non-Jewish guests. Are you worried about those too? We live in a world with non-Jews, and like it or not we have social contact with them. Even Chazal used to socialise with non-Jews. This venue isn’t advertising for non-Jews to come; but if they show up, are you suggesting they should be kicked out?! Or what?
This isn’t a yeshivah. If someone would be spending time learning a blatt gemoroh or a maamar chassidus, and instead he comes to waste time at the Hester, that’s not what Itta and Matthue want. But if someone is going to be wasting time at home, or in a place where they can’t eat anything and they’re with all kinds of undesirable people, this is a wonderful alternative. I’m pretty sure Reb Zalmen would approve.
We’re so proud to have our open-minded, chassidic ditectors be part of this club! Live with the times!
Lighten up! This is shlechus in disguise
What are you all getting so upset about? There are many Jews who believe in Christianity lehavdil R”L. Even some who claim to believe and practice Judaism. Sure it’s a tragedy, but why does everyone seem so shocked? There always have been sinners in our midst and until Moshiach comes there still will be. It’s the very people who are so outraged about the offense to Lubavitch that are giving them the legitimacy they crave. Let them enjoy life. You’re worried about Chillul Lubavitch? It’s not the first and it won’t be the last Chillul Lubavitch, and you certainly don’t have to look for secret underground societies to see them…
concerned in MA
#’s 38 & 48….thank you for some common sense. Unfortunately, common sense isn’t all that common!
Chabad Classic, not Lite
There are always those who want to be part of a community but don’t really fit in. This Hester is far enough away from Crown Heights that it really doesn’t bother anyone. People heading there might otherwise head off to Chulent, if that still exists, or to other hangouts where there is drug use and worse.
Not everyone is the same; let this be because some people need an outlet and the alternatives are far worse.
Ignore the Haters
Keep up the good work, Itta. I’m amazed that a private kosher restaurant with live music arouses such strong opinions. You must be doing something right. I would trust the kashrus at the Hester more than I would trust the kashrus at a restaurant under the O-K.
#42 Just because single people are around each other doesn’t mean they’re all attracted to each other; do some reading on attraction because basic biology simply doesn’t work that way.
“What will come of singles coming to mingle with non-Jews? Can you give me a good reason?”
Friendship, respect, understanding, enLIGHTenment about how others live and opening spiritual doors. How do you think non-Jews got there in the first place? Have you done a DNA test on every non-Jew?
Where’s your faith?
This is a complete chilul H“. Whoever supports such a thing is not a religious Jew and should be ashamed of themselves for such anti-Jewish actions. To think a ”Lubavitcher“ would actually participate in or support something in this give a terrible name to the Lubavitch world and is a desgrace to the Rebbe zt”l.
Chicago Lady
Itta Werdiger – Keep on doing your thing, woman! I think your idea is awesome, and I wish I had the talent, koach, and guts to pull of something like this in my hometown. You are an inspiration, and don’t let all these haters get you down!