Beth Rivkah Ranked 2nd Best Jewish School in Quebec
Beth Rivkah Academy, A Chabad institution founded in 1956 and entering its 60th year, was ranked as the second best Jewish school in the Canadian province of Quebec by the Fraser Institute.
Out of the total 461 Quebec schools ranked, Beth Rivkah came in at number 28.
Beth Rivkah Academy educates Jewish girls – regardless of their religious affiliation or economic background – in an atmosphere of Torah, while simultaneously providing an intensive fully accredited French language MELS program.
The school services every Jewish girl from 18 month to 18 years, with a double stream of most grades as well as a science and chemistry lab, a gymnasium, and a computer room.
The school’s staff is updated with the latest teaching methods, as well as with the new evolving technology advancements, whiteboards in all classrooms, with 4 movable Mimio units enabling the whiteboards to become interactive boards.
Mendy Rosenfeld, Beth Rivkah’s new executive director, says that Beth Rivkah maintains an extremely high standard secular education while keeping tuition rates 30% to 50% lower than comparable Jewish or private schools in Montreal, making Jewish education affordable to all families.
Beth Rivkah’s goal is to reach an enrollment of 600 students in honor of its 60th year.
Beth Rivkah also launched a “Burn the Mortgage” program as is enters the next 60 years of service.
Kol Hakavod!
BRM Alumni
Beautiful – Bais Rivkah is a wonderful school!
Shira Goldberger
Nice!!!! My girls love going to BRM!! p.s. I spy Malka =)
if only the lemuday kodesh would be half as good as afternoon we would have a school not only that cares for the secular department but also for our kids chinuch and chassidishkeit.
The kids in elementary learn limudei koidesh for 1.5 hours each day. They learn French for 4. Not impressed.
what was #1?
Bais Rivkah is an amazing school because of their devoted and talented principal, Rabbi Minkowitz.
Student alumni
I always heard how much Mme gabay put into the school and you can still see all her hard work pay off even after she left.
“next 60 years of service.” in yerushalaim!
To #6
To # 6 it means
Beis Rivkah high school!
Number one was ecole maimonide.
Now if only the boys yeshiva could rank at least half that good. Still don’t get why the girls get a good rounded kodesh and secular education, and the boys barely get a good kodesh one. I know a lot only want kodesh, but a lot want secular too. And if the kodesh were that good, why do most people send their kids out of town at age 13?? If they are anyway sending away their kids, then at least give a good secular /kodesh education for those that remain.
Proud bobby and Mom
Congratulations to an inclusive school that makes great effort towards its students. Congratulations to the director, principals, teachers, resource room staff, volunteer parents, and most of all mazal tov to the students.
i always loved BR!!!
to #1 was…
the reason no secular by the boys is because thats what the Rebbe requested and any yeshiva that claims to follow the Rebbes ways, should follow in his ways!
rabbi and mrs minkowitz and all staff
may all your efforts always be realized in apparent success
the greatest being the coming of machiah now
beth rivkah is a very special school
it changes so many lives for the positive
i especially loved the extra curricular activities such as the shabbatons, but there were many more things too
i hope the students who go there today appreciate what they have
To :wow....
Yes, the rebbe gave those instructions many many years ago when the dynamics were very different in Montreal. Now the yeshiva caters to many more people from all different backgrounds who want a secular education as well for their kids. So instead of offering one, they are loosing all these kids to non-lubavitch schools such as yavneh and yeshivas gedolah and Hebrew academy. I promise you, if the yeshivas offered a half decent secular education, these parents would bring their kids back to lubavitch in a heart beat. But Montreal still lives in the dark ages in regards to the boys, and refuse to change their ways ,even though the times are changing around them. Most of the big lubavitchers send their kids away from Montreal at the age of 13. So there is obviously something VERY lacking in what they have to offer, and that’s the kodesh I am only talking about.
Anyway, to each their own. Montreal is known to be one of the frumest communities in the world, but they also have to take off their blinkers for a bit and look around them and see that the community is changing , and there are a lot of baalei teshuvah who cannot leave behind a secular education for their kids.
to number 13
learn facts before quoting what the Rebbe instructed regarding boys education!!!! the boys school here in MTL should be ashamed of themselves!!!
To :16
Agreed!! I only have girls, but I dread when I one day iyh have a boy , where on earth I will send him to school. Bc as it stands , no child of mine will enter that yeshivah, and I may have to entertain the sad reality to give up on lubavitch education and look into other schools in montreal. Sad but true. And this is the same sentiment with many of my friends . The yeshivah (not the cpe), is a sad state of affairs . And unless they buck up on a normal education soon, they will be loosing a lot of good students who can pay full tuition. And they already have…. Who knows that anyone of much influence in matters there will even read this and take heed.
montreal veteran mechanech
A special acknowledgement to Rabbi Mendel Marasow for his seventeen years of selfless devotion and his incredible talents that fostered the growth of the mosad.
Bubby C
How about a little credit for Mendel Marasow who dedicated many of his best years to Bais Rivka!
to 10 and 6
I think u meant to ask which school came in first place? Well, the answer is maimonide.
BR alumni
This is a great school. I went there and now my daughter attends beis rivka as well. I now have a boy and don’t know where to put him! Looks like it will be Hebrew academi for elementary and then we will see. It’s crazy that in Montreal where we have so many Jews, we don’t have a boys version on beis rivka.
48 yr in the hood
send yr boys to the yeshiva tru
8th grade then send them to pittsburg