Baltimore Cheder Gets New Home, Principal
Baltimore’s Cheder Chabad is planning major expansions for the upcoming school year.
Firstly, Rabbi Ephraim Sorkin is assuming the position of principal in the school’s elelmentary division. Rabbi Sorkin is coming to Baltimore after a number of successful years in chinuch experience in the New York area. He brings his expertise and success in maximizing each child’s learning potential utilizing the latest in professional development as well as the latest in technological tools.
Now in it’s 5th year, the Cheder is proud to announce that it is moving this summer to a large, state-of-the-art school facility that is being renovated specifically for Chabad. Community leader Dr. Paul Volosov has invited Chabad to bring their successful program with their close to 80 students, ka”h, to the former Beth Jacob Congregation, whose large space will allow the Cheder to grow their preschool and elementary divisions for both boys and girls in separate spaces. The new building will house all new classrooms, a gym, office space, teacher’s lounge, outdoor play space, and much more.
Cheder Chabad will start this year with a program for two-year olds, Nursery through Kindergarten for boys and girls, and boys elementary grades 1 – 3.
Anash community in Baltimore
Mazal tov to the Anash community in Baltimore.
What a privilege to have R.Sorkin joining us.
bachur from ohlei torah 8-4
awesome Rabbi Sorkin is an amazing teacher and will be an awesome principal i say to Baltimore you are getting a very fine and upstanding person to join you for this year and god willing more to come till meshiach will come then we will all be under moshe rabeinu
from YLB
he was the best rebbi my son ever had in lubavitch yeshiva1
nice! my old teach a real nice guy!!
where is the cheder building located?