Chabad Caters Kosher at Premier’s Ramadan Dinner
New South Wales Premier the honorable Barry O’Farrel hosted an “Iftar Dinner to celebrate Interfaith Harmony” at Parliament House on Thursday, July 26. ‘Iftar’ is the traditional Muslim evening meal following the day of fasting during the month of Ramadan.
The Premier invited communal Leaders of all faiths to join local Muslim Leadership at the Dinner, which is held annually during the month of Ramadan.
The event was conducted in a spirit of respect between all faiths, with prayers being offered by Sheikh Yahya Safi, Imam of Lakemba Mosque, followed by Sister Giovanni Farquer from the Commission for Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations of the Catholic Church. Sheikh Safi mentioned in his prayer that Islam recognises the holiness of a number of great luminaries of the Jewish faith including Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as well as Moses, Solomon and David.
Grand Mufti of Australia Dr. Ibrahim Abu Mohammed addressed the crowd and spoke about the physiological similarities of all humans, created by the one G-d, and how tolerance and peaceful coexistence can only occur when we are open to appreciating the goodness found within every person; regardless of race, religion, colour or creed.
In his remarks, The Premier referred to the fact that 40% of Sydney’s population were born overseas, paying tribute to the immense contribution that people from a wide range of ethnic backgrounds have made to Australian Society. The Premier stated that, “in my belief, our greatest resource is not the mineral wealth underground but rather the walking diamonds and immense talent of our citizens. I take pride in the fact that with hard work and creativity anyone can succeed in this country, notwithstanding one’s background or the size of one’s bank account.”
The Premier also focused on the importance of Education as “not just the key to economic success, but indeed the key to greater understanding and respect between different faith communities.”
The three course Dinner was catered by Parliament House under Halal supervision, with a Kosher option provided by The Yeshiva Centre’s “Our Big Kitchen”.
Jewish Leaders in attendance included Rabbi Eli Feldman from The Yeshiva Centre – Chabad NSW HQ, Mr. David Knoll, Mr. Jeremy Spinak and Mr. Vic Alhadeff from the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies, Mr. Jeremy Jones from AIJAC and Mr. Richard Balkin from the Zionist Council of NSW.
Rabbi S., Toronto
Wow. That’s a first. Does that mean this is a precedent for having Interfaith Dinners worldwide? I’d love to organize one in Toronto, Canada. There’s many benefits to reap from that.
Moshe A.
I guess when you alienate everyone in your own community you need to find a new demographic to cater to.
#1, This is very bedieved. Note that Eli Feldman did not organize this dinner, and I don’t think he would be allowed to do so. But having received an invitation from the Premier as a representative of the Jewish community, it gets into the area of shtadlonus. There is a *long* line of psak din, going all the way back to the Knesses Hagedolah, giving wide heterim and kullos for shtadlonim. I would imagine that Eli asked a shayla and was told to go and to provide the kosher food for the other Jews present.
Can someone remind me: What was the Rebbe and gedolei yisroel’s position on Interfaith programs? I guess some of forgot.
Rabbi Eli Feldman
Thank you Milhouse for your comment.
In this period after the 9 days it is good to see the concept of ”Dan L’Kaf Zchus” being practiced. What you describe is exactly what occurred!
#4, I don’t think the Rebbe had a position on them. He had a definite position on meeting the Avi Avos. That has nothing to do with this case.
It was probably better than your run of the mill post Tish’a B’av fare. Hashem Yerachem what has become of us? The problem is this: there is no one guide for Shluchim and Anash with all the Rebbe’s heilige horo’os, to look up when such a situation arises. It’s about time someone should do a likut of all horo’os and make it mandatory for all Shluchim to sign that they keep it word by word without zigzagging.
#7, the Rebbe’s horo’oh is to ask a rov. Which he did.