Hundreds Attend Levaya of Beloved Baalas Chesed
Hundreds of men and women gathered in front of 770 this morning to pay their last respects to Mrs. Miriam Slater, OBM, a longtime member of the Crown Heights community and celebrated Baalas Chesed, who passed away Monday morning at the age of 60.
Adam Lambert
Thank you everyone for coming out this morning to say goodbye to beloved sister Miriam.
a friend
Ouch! It Hurts! AD MOSAI! Please Hashem Enough! The goal is a Dirah Batachtonim! Not Baelyonim! Hashem send Moshiach Right NOW! Our NOW!
to Adam
thank you. Miriam often spoke of you, your sister and the rest of the family. She made all her simchas in the early afternoon so it would be easier for all of you to drive in, celebrate together and still get home at a decent hour.
I don’t really know you, but I know how much Miriam loved you and the entire family.
May Hashem comforted over the loss of your most wonderful sister.
Ad mosai?
May she bang down the doors of this bitter golus. Moshiach NOW!
Ellen Zeisler Barnard
Shocked and devastated. Heartbroken. May she rest in peace. Beloved Miriam. Taken so young. My condolences to her family. She loved you all so much. I will forever miss Miriam. One of a kind. Forever there will be a whole in my heart. I am sorry I could not be there yesterday. The world will mourn this loss. She was one of a kind. My heart is broken.
Adam Lambert
I miss you.
slater family
thank you for all the wonderfull stoires about miriam slater. Here is an email for everyone to send there wonderfull stories about her. storiesaboutmiriam@slater.net