Daily News: Sukkah Builders Rake It In
A crown Heights-based business was the subject of a NY Daily News feature article on the seasonal ‘pop-up’ industry of Sukkah building, describing how Yeshiva Students earn a quick buck building the wooden and canvas huts in advance of the weeklong holiday.
From the NY Daily News by Reuven Blau:
Call it a cottage industry.
Yeshiva students and handymen are raking in a holiday bonanza by installing sukkahs, the temporary tabernacles that are a fixture of the Jewish Feast of Booths.
The Hebrew helpers charge about $200 to build the wooden and canvas outdoor sheds, where Orthodox Jews eat their meals during the week-long holiday, which starts at sundown Wednesday.
“It’s relatively good money,” said Mendy Schreiber, 28, who started his installation business 10 years ago.
“Most people don’t want to spend five hours on their free Sunday putting up their sukkahs.”
Schreiber uses a team of six amateur installers, mostly teens on break from yeshiva, to build hundreds of holy huts in Brooklyn and other boroughs every year.
Good to see u at work.