Video: An Outside Glimpse into a Chassidic Wedding
Global News was recently at a Lubavitch wedding in Montreal’s Chabad of the Town, where they interviewed the groom, Levi Chayo, the bride, Mushky Krasnianski, and her father, Rabbi Moshe Krasnianski, in a 2-part feature which was aired locally.
A photo gallery of the wedding was published online along with the videos.
Hat tip: Bill 613.
Please note: Some of the video content may be deemed immodest for the viewing of men and boys. Please watch at your own discretion.
A binyan Adei ad
such refinement, and erlichkeit.
I wish the all the brachos of HaGaPheN – hatzlacha, gezunt, parnasah and chassidishe nachas as they build their bayis ne’eman together