Missing Groom Causes Rare Friday Chuppah
As dozens of Bochurim dashed off into the Kingston Avenue subway station for their weekly Mivtzoim trip, a rare sight caught their attention – a Chuppah in front of 770 on a Friday at noon.
The wedding, between Rafi Choen of S. Paulo, Brazil and Sarah Procaccia of Crown Heights, was supposed to have taken place the night before. However, the Simcha had to be abruptly canceled when the Chosson was denied entry to the United States and put on a flight back to Brazil by Customs and Border Protection on the day of the wedding.
Quick action on behalf of Askanim enabled the Chosson to get on the next flight back to the United States, and, thanks to the efforts of Devorah Benjamin of KSCVK, the wedding was rescheduled for Friday afternoon.
A full article on the ordeal of the family and the frantic efforts to reschedule the wedding will be published on CrownHeights.info after Shabbos, G-d willing.
Mazal Tov. The ‘right time’ was noon today…
May they be zoche to build a bayit neeman biyisrael…
Chana Leah
Amen ve amen! H-shem runs the world and this was the will of the Abishter. Who can understand all of this.
Happy for this couple! So happy!
dwight schrute
mazal tov! grande rafi!
Mazal Tov! Congratulations!
What a mitzva to have your wedding on a Friday! A real way to bring the queen home!
Robyne Bush
I wish you both such a joyful life! Sarah, you were such a great teacher to Tova in HI. I am grateful she had you in her life at a time when she was developing her own values…..I could not have asked for a better example for my daughter than you.
michael scott
mazal tov!!
Chaya malkieeee
Guess who…
yoel moshe
3 yrs ago we also had a wedding infront of 770 Jacobs from Cleveland had his wedding bdavka on Friday don’t remember y.
best wedsing ever!!!
Mazal tov!!!!!
Benshimon was awesome!!!!
Just not long ago it was ok to do on Friday LEHATCHILA. I think some of the Rabeim did on Friday.
ALL the rebbiem did it on Friday (except the rebbe rashabs was supposed to be on a Friday but was pushed off to motzi shabbos if I’m not mistaken)
to: correction
Our Rebbe’s wedding was on a tuesday
hey devorah, u look so nice!
ur the best :)
-bunk 10
To No. 3
this is esther from bunk 7. you guys r so sweet!!
I spy...
Dassi and chaya looking good!!!
Mazel tov what a nice way to usher in shabbos beautiful simcha
Before the 20th century it was traditional for all chuppos to be on Friday, and the seudah would on Shabbos, with goyishe musicians. The minhag only changed in the 20th century because so many people were mechalel shabbos that rabbonim decided to stop it for everyone. The Rebbe was very much in favour of continuing the old minhag in those cases where everyone on both sides is shomer shabbos. I know one couple who got married on a Friday, and the Rebbe wrote to them that he wished others would learn from their example.
When someone made a Chasene on Friday almost 50 years ago the Rebbe responded MIMENU YIRU VCHEIN YASU ,( people should follow)
Doris Torres
I love weddings.
Beautiful bride, handsome groom, lovely couple.
Best wishes to the new Mr. & Mrs.
Live Long and prosper.
Last year
Laine to Chitrik was Friday noon
Nice to see pictures of the kalla.Usually she’s not shown.
Us Too!
18 years ago, the same thing happened to us! My husband was refused entry and flown back to Venezuela. luckily it was still over a week before the weeding, after lots of strings were pulled he arrived back in CH erev Shavuos, our Chasana was Isru Chag!
We always took this a a sign that our match is a very special. holy one!
CH resident
It was the most moving experience!!
Mazel Tov you should go from strength to strength happiness and successful
Amen… it’s very necessary, especially when Hashem, the Frierdiker Rebbe and Rebbe are HERE a Mazel Tov is SURE to come!
Etel (Savoia)
Mazal tov!! To this both special families!!
I’ m so happy to see this beautiful couple together!!
I remember them little kids…
Binyan adei ad!!! Best wishes!!!
A friend of the Proccassia's
Sarah is an amazing, quality girl, someone who I admire very much.
Ruthy- inspirational and a great friend to all. Cheerful and deep:)
Love you all! May you have a beautiful home filled with Torah and love.
I don’t think it’s right to call the chosson “missing”.It’s not like he didn’t want to get married and disappeared.
Rahmo Dayan
Mazal-Tov. Rafael e Familias.
Muitas Alegrias e Feleicidades,
Rahmo Dayan
Familia Rahmo Dayan