Photos: Russia’s Chief Rabbi Tours the Far East

Rabbi Berel Lazar, chief rabbi of Russia, conducted a tour of the Jewish communities in the country’s far east, including Birobidjan, the autonomous Jewish region designated to be a ‘socialist Jewish homeland’ by Stalin.

The visit comes as Birobidjan marks 80 years since its designation as an autonomous Jewish region, which occurred in 1934.

During his tour, the chief rabbi also visited the Jewish community of nearby Khabarovsk, during which a newly-completed Sefer Torah was inducted into the city’s main synagogue.

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  • Zalmy

    Rabbi Lazer I wanted to tell you that I am so proud of all of you work that you’re doing and successful of everything you do in Russia keep up the good work and we should go from strength to strength happiness and successful be brave and be happy

  • meir rhodes

    I second zalmy’s words. we’re very proud of the work you do and have done on behalf of our jews in Russia.