Iron Dome Soldiers Turn the Tables, Thank Kfar Chabad
The commanders of the Iron Dome defense system in the vicinity of Kfar Chabad turned the tables today, when they met with leaders and volunteers from the small Lubavitch enclave and thanked them.
Chaim Orenstein and Alon Amit Feldman, the IDF commanders tasked with operating the Iron Dome missile defense system, met with Rabbi Binyomin Lifshitz, the mayor of Kfar Chabad, and with volunteers Chaim Neustat and Mosheleh Guttman, thanking them for their support and visits throughout the month.
Residents of Kfar Chabad visited the soldiers every day, putting on Teffilin with them and bringing food, as well as other necessities not available during combat.
“You gave us the strength and desire to continue to defend the home front,” a plaque presented to the town of Kfar Chabad on behalf of the soldiers read, thanking the residents for their support and help in the days of Operation Protective Edge.
Photos by Chaim Noishtat / Chabad Updates
May Hashem protect each soldier
from even the smallest amount of harm
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