About one thousand Temimim from all over Eretz Yisroel gathered in Kfar Chabad for a Shabbos of preparation for Gimmel Tammuz. The annual gathering is organized by the Vaad Talmidei Hatmimim, and was joined this year by a special guest: head Shliach of Minnesota Rabbi Moshe Feller.
1,000 Bochurim Unite for Shabbos Before 3 Tammuz
About one thousand Temimim from all over Eretz Yisroel gathered in Kfar Chabad for a Shabbos of preparation for Gimmel Tammuz. The annual gathering is organized by the Vaad Talmidei Hatmimim, and was joined this year by a special guest: head Shliach of Minnesota Rabbi Moshe Feller.
Also participating and farbrenging for the bochurim were: Rabbi Zalman Gopin, Rabbi Y. Y. Gurevitz, Rabbi Efraim Demichovsky, Rabbi Y. Y. Zilberstrom, Rabbi M.M. Gurevitz, Rabbi Eliyahu Landa and many more.
Are they davening towards the Rebbe? Even if not, this photo could be taken seriously out of context for those who wish to harm Lubavitch.
Mendy antelis
Look’s like fun!! Good for them for taking their own time to learn torah!
Wondering if this is normal
Am I the only one that thinks davening towards a picture of the rebbe is wrong?
to num 1 and 3
last year on motzaei shabbos Rabbi Ezra Shochet (the Rosh) brought up the issue of davening towards the rebbe picture,ans said they should ask the Rabbonim.
How-come there is no mention of Rabbi Gordon in the article, he came all the way from London for this event.
Davening in front of ANY Picture is Ossur l’gamrei because it is b’chezkas avoidah zara (it definitely looks like it) especially knowing that there are some few crazies in Lubavitch who believe in the unmentioned kofrus and this would definitely be a michshol for them, maybe causing others do to worse things. This is in NO WAY anything Lubavitch like, and I condemn the Rabbonim for not stopping it IF they had power over the event. It should never happen in the future, EVER.
Ad Masei!
No, It’s not normal.
You judgmental fools.
this is a wedding hall being used as a shul for a single shabbos, NOBODY is davening to the picture that is there all year round (to grace CHASSUNOS).