ULY 8th Grade Tmimim Graduate with Pride
The 8th grade students of Tomchei Tmimim proudly celebrated their graduation on Sunday, together with friends and family. One by one the graduates entered the grand ballroom of Lubavitcher Yeshiva; marching to Reb Shloime’s Niggun, they headed onto the stage while parents, grandparents, siblings, relatives and friends looked on.
Rabbi Y. Y. Simpson, Menahel of the Yeshiva, addressed the audience, highlighting the lesson we can learn from Parshas Korach and its connection with a graduation.
The two 8th grade Melamdim, Rabbi Shanowitz and Rabbi Brownstein then addressed the audience, both with inspiring stories and lessons for the graduates. They each took the opportunity to congratulate their talmidim and extend a tremendous thank you to Rabbi Simpson, the Menahel, for assisting them in every step of the way.
Rabbi Turk, the assistant principal for the older grades, then highlighted the fact that on the very last gimmel tammuz which we heard from the Rebbe, the Rebbe took the time to say a sicha in honor of Tomchei Tmimim, the very institution in which these boys have been raised. In that sicha the Rebbe explains how the letter ‘sof’ – the final letter, completing the alef beis, resembles a Tomim; surrounded on 3 sides with his Torah, Avoda and Gemilas Chassodim, only open on the 4th side to allow for improvement and growth. Rabbi Turk then noted some examples of the extraordinary commitment of these boys to Torah, Avoda and Gemilas Chassodim, which the Rebbe points out is very strong in Tomchei Tmimim, being that its roshei taivos is not once but twice the letter sof!
Three outstanding talmidim were then called up to speak, Hatomim Dovie Levy, Hatomim Mendy Schmukler and Hatomim Yanky Blasberg. Each spoke remarkably of the lessons they can learn from this week’s parsha, and each took the time to thank their parents, their melamdim and their Principals for coaching them through their years in Yeshiva up until this point.
The Tmimim Yanky Blasberg and Refoel Fakiro then presented a gift to their melamdim on behalf of all the 8th graders, in appreciation for their hard work throughout the year.
Rabbi Shimon Aaron Rosenfeld, the father of a graduate, spoke on behalf of the parents. He told of the deal which the Alter Rebbe made with a melamed to teach his son, and how parents today must do the same. He thanked the melamdim for their dedication, and encouraged the parents to do more for the melamdim.
Rabbi Rosenfeld then told a story to the graduates of when the Rebbe Rashab brought home a silver watch to his son, the Frierdiker Rebbe. He highlighting the importance of time and how this is the only thing which truly belongs to each individual person.
Rabbi Simpson then called up the English Principal, Rabbi Peretz Blasberg, and thanked him for creating an English program al taharas hakodesh.
Rabbi Blasberg spoke of the tight-rope-walker at a circus who was getting encouragement from the crowd until he offered to put one of them in a barrel and carry it across. Rabbi Blasberg reminded the students of their role as neiros Leho’ir, and presented each one with a mag-light to take along to camp. He then went on to present 3 awards on behalf of the English dept. The first went to Hatomim Yanky Ackerman for his outstanding achievements in learning, next was Hatomim Kalman Shuchat for his hard work and effort, and third was Hatomim Zevi Shubov for his classroom behavior and conduct towards others.
After all the speeches were done, the diplomas and gifts were presented to each graduate.
The best was saved for the end as Rabbi Simpson and Rabbi Turk thanked the bochurim Chaim Leiter and Zev Volf Gajer for organizing Mishmor throughout the year, and the bochurim Zevi Gutleizer, Yossi Reizes and all the others who have made Chayolei Bais Dovid the success which it was. A video was then presented by the bochurim of some of the highlights from throughout the year.
Overall the atmosphere was just excitement, much Pride in the students achievements and a tremendous sense of gratitude towards the Melamdim and Yeshiva staff.
why did so few graduate? Where are the rest of the kids?
woah, that school is awesome!
raphael fakiro student
mazaltov to all my frainds!!!!!!