Hours of In-Depth Torah Discussion in S. Paulo

Anash, shluchim and students of the Lubavitcher Yeshiva in S. Paulo, Brazil gathered for a Kinus Torah at the central Beit Chabad.

The crowd was privileged to hear Chiddushei Torah from Local Rabbonim: Rabbi Shmuel Havlin and Rabbi Dovid Weitman.

Rabbi Sholom Ber Gourarie, Mashpia of the Yeshiva, delighted the participants with a comprehensive review of the 100 year history of Hemshech 5672 (Ayin Beis).

Numerous Bochurim and Shluchim, including: Yossi Kamman, Mendel Calderon, Mendel Broner, Elchonon Labkowsky, Meir Simcha Zajac, Mendy Atias, Yonatan Kalimi, and Yeshobam Hillel, shared pilpulim on a wide range of Torah topics – most notably on the Rebbe’s Sichos and Maamorim.

Much Thanks to Rabbi Shabsi Alpern, Rabbi Shamai Ende, Rabbi Sholom Ber Gourarie, the Shluchim, and all the Bochurim for making this Kinus Torah a success.


  • May we see many more!

    Shkoyach to the attendees and the amazing speakers!
    What a great Kinnus Torah!
    Moshiach NOW!

  • Seminery

    Mendel steinmentz
    Was the best dorm counselor.!!!
    And yossi kayman is a top bocher b”h today in lubctch.!