Chabad & Montessori Schools?
Rabbi Jonathan Rietti, a master educator who has created his own version of an early childhood learning model similar to Montessori but uniquely Jewish, will bring his manipulatives and other e/c materials to the Kinus HaMechanchos next month. He will be making a series of presentations especially geared to early childhood educators.
The revival of Jewish early childhood programs can best be seen the phenomenal growth of Chabad sponsored programs. There are nearly 100 more e/c schools in the US than there were 10 years ago. Chabad schools are run by dedicated directors and devoted teachers who become involved with a family not just a child. This has also spurred on the need for professional development for teachers.
Many Chabad preschools have made use of Montessori ideas and some have even hired Montessori trained professionals. This has not only helped promote the school’s programs but it has been a catalyst of their success. How to adapt Montessori ideas to Jewish themes and how to overcome some of the criticism of some of its underlying philosophies has been a dilemma. Rabbi Rietti’s presentation will provide a fresh perspective and give teachers the tools to overcome those reservations.
He will introduce an approach to teaching pre-reading skills which is as ingenious as it is adaptable. QAs a scholar in residence for both days he will be available for private consultation as well.
The Kinus, women’s conference will take place at the DOLCE, Norwalk on Monday and Tuesday 12-13 Tammuz, July 2nd and 3rd. Registration is open on the web: www.chinuchoffcie.org.
Rabbi Katz
Is there anything from the Rebbe about this? where their be a recording from this talk?
Mrs Krantz
this is a great topic! cant wait.
Awesome speaker
Rabbi Rietti is a great speaker and educator!
If you want to see some of his shiurim,he is on a web sight called “torahanytime.com.
kriah in lubavitch
Please make sure rabbi rieti’s methods are in alligment with everything the Rebbe says about teaching children kriah. I have seen his materials and school. i do not beleive he teaches the names of the letters and nekudos FIRST which is opposite of what the Rebbe taught. Our method is “kamatz aleph ah”and it shiuld stay that way while integrating some montessorri methods.
Rabbi Shimon Posner
Mrs Sharfstein has things from the Rebbe about this.
How can I contact Mrs Sharfstein???