Thousands Turn Out for an Hour with the Rebbe
Marking 20 years since Gimmel Tammuz, some 3,000 people filled up Eastern Parkway in front of 770 for an hour of videos of the Rebbe saying Sichos on the topics of Moshiach and Ahavas Yisroel.
A moving Slideshow showing pictures of the Rebbe with the heartfelt song of ‘Oh Rebbe’ being sung in the background was shown as well:
Those attending the event took upon themselves a Hachlata Tova to increase in the learning of Inyoney Geula Umoshiach. A glossary was compiled of all the Sichos delivered by the Rebbe on the topic of Geulah and Moshiach, so that they can be easily found and learned: (Click on images to enlarge)
Photos by Benjamin Lifshitz
Photos of the event:
where was the tehilim for the boys what a shame to have had the opportunity to daven for the safe return of the boys
It was promoted as an Achdus event. It was publicized as Achdus event.
No yechi on any posters etc etc. the crowd came thinking it was a real Achdus event. But then truth came out with the yechi by pesukim.
Each year more an more pepole are catching on to this gimmick.
But it’s nice to see that to get the crowd the organizers understand that you can’t put yechi
A real Inspired person
Why are there always people that will be against? It was very nice Boruch Hashem it was B’Achdus we both gave in a little, they gave in by not putting Yechi on all the signs or on the recording and we gave in by listening to Yechi once, its okay we’ll still live. After all, the problem of Yechi is on Mivtzoim and things to be Mekarev other Yidden but this is in the Shechuna between the Chassidim. they said Yechi by the parade also and Boruch Hashem we are still living. Please dont mess up the Achdus just because of one small thing that we didnt like its not like they showed Nun Gimmel or anything like last year
Great Job
This was an organized, beautiful gathering. Program was put together very nicely. Thank you to the organizers!
Such incredible achdus. It was amazing.
chaim Rbinowitz
So amazing!
I was there! At least 7000.
No joke!
Was nicer then lag baomer! Was very very nice!!
I agree
Yeah I also thought there were more than that
I dont know about 7,000 but there were definitly more than 3,000
It was very beautiful Boruch Hashem!
pleasantly suprised
I hate to admit it, I attended this event expecting disappointment… I stand corrected and admit this was a very nice accomplishment.
Great Program
The twelve pesukim at teh beginning was very special and important.
48 yr in the hood,
to post # 1
there was no mention about s. m. rubashkin either
it was about moshiac , and when he comes
all the above will be taken care of
moshiac now
Absolutely inspiring and yet practical. So inclusive and positive – as the Rebbe would surely want. A pleasure to be transported to a time and place above the pettiness of politics etc.
The power of Yidden united in one goal of ahavas Yisroel to bring Moshiach will break all barriers!
I litteraly was ready to hear the Shofar. I was expecting it at every second of the program I just cant believe that a full day after this happened and Moshiach is still not here?!?
Ad Mosai?!
Moshiach Now