Boruch Dayan Hoemes: Rabbi Nachman Sudak, 78, OBM
With great sadness and deep pain we inform you of the passing of Rabbi Nachman Sudak OBM, head Shliach of the United Kingdom. He was 78 years old.
Rabbi Sudak was sent to England in 1959 by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, as his personal Shliach charged with a mission to reinforce and help develop Jewish life in the UK, by establishing schools and outreach programs. He did this with tremendous self-sacrifice until his last days, consistently putting the needs of the community ahead of his own personal needs.
Under his leadership Chabad Lubavitch in the UK grew into a national organization that now includes 14 schools, 25 community Chabad Houses and 11 Campus Chabad Houses.
This extraordinary achievement was recognized by the Queen when she awarded him an OBE in the 2001 New Year’s Honor’s List.
In his acceptance speech, Rabbi Sudak acknowledged that he did not accept it as a personal tribute to his own work, but rather to the dozens of Rabbis and Rebbetzins who devoted their lives to furthering the aims of Lubavitch to bring all Jews closer to their heritage.
Rabbi Sudak was a deeply committed Chassid and Shliach of the Lubavitcher Rebbe and embodied the Rebbe’s call to work tirelessly for wellbeing of every individual.
In the late ’80s the Rebbe personally appointed Rabbi Sudak to be a member of the executive of Agudas Chassidei Chabad International, the central governing committee of the global Chabad Lubavitch movement, as well as the executive boards of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch and Machne Israel, respectively the educational and the social services arms of the movement.
His presence will be sorely missed, whilst his example will serve as a spiritual legacy, continuing to inspire the family of Shluchim in the UK and the continued growth of Chabad Lubavitch UK.
He is survived by his wife Fraddle and children Rabbi Levi Sudak (Edgware, England), Mrs. Bassie Raskin (London, England), Mrs. Esther Kesselman (Southgate, England), Rabbi Kasreil Sudak (Crown Heights), Rabby Mendy Sudak (Stanmore, England), Rabbi Sholom Sudak (London, England), Mrs. Chanie Alperowitz (Bournemouth, England), Rabbi Zalman Sudak (Edgware, England), Rabbi Bentzi Sudak (London, England).
He is also survived by his sisters Mrs. Brocha Bogomilsky (Crown Heights) and Mrs. Bat Sheva Schochet (Toronto, Canada).
The Levaya will take place on Monday at 2:00pm at Lubavitch House, 107-115 Stamford Hill, London, N16 5RP. The Kevurah will take place at the Adath Yisroel Burial Grounds, 246 Carterhatch Lane, Enfield, EN1 4BG.
Boruch Dayan Hoemes
Mendy Sudak
He is also survived by Mendy Sudak of Stanmore!
He is also survived by his son Rabbi Mendel (London)
You have missed out one of his sons
His son Mendy also lives in London
Survived by… and R’ Mendy Sudak, of Stanmore UK
Faigie Rabin
I have no words. My thoughts are with all the family, and the whole of the Stamford Hill community. Boruch Dayan Ho’emes
Mrs Batsheva Schochet sister
Mendy Sudak son
A truly great Chosid. I once had to call him on behalf of my sister who was going through a nasty divorce and he was so helpful and a real mentch. This is a huge loss for Lubavitch, & for London……….
2 pm stamford hill 3 pm Enfield
Time for Levaya
The Levaya will be at Lubavitch House at 2:00 pm and at Enfield Bais HaChayim at 3:00 pm
B.H. We had the Zechus of having Rabbi Nachman Sudak, and his dear wife Fraidel, [long may she live],
present at our Wedding in 1961, at The Hackney Town Hall, and always kept our friendship, whenever they visited New York, it was always a pleasure to see them.
You Fraidel, your Children & Family, should be Blessed with many long, healthy and happy years.
From Ex Londoners.
There is a boss
Rabbi Sudak will be missed, he embodied the term shliach he was a person who knew nothing other than the rebbe and lived his life and educated all he could to live their lives in that way
Mrs Bogomilskey of Crown Heights is also a sister!
UPDATED CORRECTION: The levaya will start at their house 37 Portland Ave!