Cycle Keeps Study of Moshiach Going 24 Hours a Day
A group of Bochurim learning in 770 have gotten together and created a program in honor of the upcoming 20th anniversary of Gimmel Tammuz. The program sees to it that – somewhere in the world – Inyonei Geulah Umoshiach are being studied non-stop, 24 hours every weekday.
Participating in the program, titled ‘Maagal Limud Inyonei Geulah U’Moshiach (‘Cycle of Learning Topics of Geulah and Moshiach’), are dozens of Chabad Yeshivos around the world,
This program is actually not a new idea. It was first set up in Iyar 5751 (1991). On 28 Nissan of that year, the Rebbe demanded from the Chassidim to be more aware of the need for Moshiach and to work actively to bring Moshiach. Just over a week later, the Rebbe explained in a Sicha that “the fastest, easiest and straightest path to bring Moshiach is through learning about Geulah and Moshiach.” The Rebbe later added that learning about the Geulah and Moshiach helps Yidden live with Moshiach even while they are still in Golus.
During that time period, a group of bochurim got together and set up a cycle of learning Inyonei Geulah U’Moshiach for 24 hours a day. This cycle was set up through splitting up the hours of the day with Yeshivos throughout the world, spanning many time zones. The bochurim involved received very encouraging responses from the Rebbe, with brochos for success in the initiative.
Just a couple of weeks later, the Rebbe turned to one of his secretaries with the questions, “Is the ‘Maagal’ still going on?”
Over the past two decades, the Maagal was arranged in many Yeshivos on rare occasions, such as Chof Zayin Adar or Yud Shvat.
This year, a group of bochurim got to work getting in touch with one hundred(!) Lubavitcher Yeshivos in close to 15 countries, 10 U.S. states and 6 continents, to set up times for the program fitting with each one according to their Seder and time zone.
Yeshivos participating:
United States:
Tomchei Temimim-770, Baltimore, Buffalo, Chicago, Chovevei Torah Mesivta and Zal, Cincinnati, Detroit Mesivta and Zal, Hadar Hatorah, Los Angeles Zal, Miami Zal, Smicha program and Torah Ohr, Morristown Zal and Tiferes Bachurim, New Haven Mesivta and Zal, Ocean Parkway, Oholei Torah 8th grade, Mesivta and Zal, Postville, Queens, Seagate and Staten Island.
Eretz Yisroel:
Be’er Sheva, Bnei Brak, Chanoch Lenaar, Daat, Eilat, Immanuel, Kfar Chabad, Kiryat Gat Mesivta and Zal, Lud, Machon Technology, Migdal HaEmek, Nachlas Har Chabad, Netanya, Ohr Yehuda Mesivta and Zal, Oro Shel Moshiach, Ramat Aviv, Rechovot, Rishon LeTzion, Toras Emes, Tze’irei Hashluchim, Tzfas Mesivta and Zal and Yitzhar.
Yeshivos all over the world:
Buenos Aires, Argentina Mesivta; Berlin, Germany; Brunoy, France Mesivta and Zal; Caracas, Venezuela; Kinshasa, Congo; Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine; Frankfurt, Germany; London, UK; Manchester, UK; Melbourne, Australia Mesivta; Moscow, Russia; Johannesburg, South Africa; Sydney, Australia; Toronto, Canada Mesivta and Zal and Venice, Italy.
The learning is split into time frames, from as little as five minutes to up to an hour. Some Yeshivos have set shiurim while others learn b’chavrusa. Many Yeshivos set aside from their free time for this important learning.
The cycle currently is from Sunday through Thursday, and will go on iy”h until the end of the Yeshiva year. It will resume at the beginning of the next Yeshiva year.
Yeshivos, Chabad Houses, Kollels, Shuls and schools are all encouraged to take part in this exciting program. To add your time to the Maagal, email Moshiach24@gmail.com or call Mendel at 770-546-7321.
The clock below depicts the complete cycle, updated as of the end of Iyar 5774:
Click on images below to enlarge
What happened to all 3 yeshivas in Toronto
The clock shown is only one 12 hour cycle out of the 2 clocks in the 24 hour cycle
no one special
Has Mass. signed up?