Morristown’s Graduating Rabbis Pose
The students who are soon to graduate the Morristown Smicha Program, headed by Rabbi Chaim Schapiro and Rabbi Avraham Hirsh Levin, posed for a year-end group portrait today.
The Bochurim gathered for the photo in the baseball field on the campus of Rabbinical College of America, which is under the leadership of Rabbi Moshe Herson, head Shliach to the state of New Jersey.
Click on the first image to enlarge the portrait.
It’s amazing to see these young rabbis graduating.
These Rabbis will change the world!
Thank you Rabbis Schapiro and Levin!
A huge Thank You!
Wow! Thank you Rabbis Herson you do the most amazing work.
These young men will change New Jersey!
Citizen Berel
Rabbi’s don’t pose.
The headline was bad on the other website, too.
Omg I spot mendy weingarten!!!!!
Sheppin Nachas
That bochur in the black beard looks perfect for my great granddaughter
We're so Happy
Go rabbi Peretz were so proud of you
Feter zundel rivkie shternie gitty Sarah and yisroel
Mazel Tov!
To them all !
i spy
shmuli chaiton best guy ever!!
i spy ......
levi yiztchak reinitz!
Yay Lazer!!!
Hurray Lazer Mishulovin!!! So proud of you!!
You can have the one in the black beard...
I want the one with the black hat!
WOOOHOOOO Levi Goldgrab!!!!! Mazel Tov