Joy!: New DVD Marks Milestone
The Living Archive is proud to announce the completion of the first phase of its mission – the entire video and film collection of the Rebbe has been preserved. To celebrate this monumental achievement JEM has produced a new DVD “Joy!” with joyous scenes through the decades of the Rebbe’s leadership.
The video was funded by a generous grant from Rabbi Yitzchak Michaan and Family of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
In a letter to members JEM noted “We still have years of work ahead of us – some videos must still be re-transferred after quality control; the collection must be cataloged and reviewed, and of course the audio and photographic collections must still be saved – thank G-d, for the most part, the worst of the crisis for the video collection per se, is behind us.”
Get it here or in stores now
What do they mean by “and of course the audio and photographic collections must still be saved”? Wasn’t the WLCC all digitized already?