Moscow Jews Join Red Square Victory Day Parade

Amid the “Victory Day” celebrations in Moscow on May 9th, 69 years after the surrender of Nazi Germany, Chief Rabbi of Russia Rabbi Berel Lazar led a delegation of Jewish WWII veterans and members of the local Jewish community to the Red Square to participate in the celebrations.

At the Red Square, the chief rabbi addressed the Jewish gathering with words of inspiration, after which he recited “Kel Molei Rachamim” for those who perished at the hands of the Nazis, YMS.

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  • russians not stingy

    one thing the russians had plentiful under zarist regime were medals. for the smallest thing u wud get one.

  • 2.shame on you #1

    They are 87 and up years old veterans that won WWII , every medal on their uniforms counts , they fight the enemy , they are Jews , they went through these war to give you Freedom , to make Israel a Country ….and you know US soldiers took part in this war too ….
    You so disgusting person-shame on you …tzarim never gave Jews any medals for free ….