London Anash Gather for 40th Annual Kinus Torah

Close to 100 people turned up for the annual Kinus Torah on Tuesday Chol Hamoed Pesach at Merkaz Menachem – Lubavitch House in London, UK.

For the past 40 years, every Chol Hamo’ed Pesach a Kinus Torah has been taking place in the Lubavitch Shul in Stamford Hill. This is arranged by Mr. Y. L. Ives following a suggestion by the Rebbe that Kinusei Torah should take place around this time.

The evening is primarily an opportunity for Talmidim returning home from Yeshiva to share with their friends and the community insights of what they have learned during the zman. Therefore, besides the Dayan and Rosh HaYeshiva, the other speakers are generally the Bochurim; this event gives them an added excitement for their learning, and an added opportunity to use their time Bein Hazmanim to focus on learning.


The chairman, Rabbi L. Paris, began with the daily Tanya in Perek 41 which stresses the importance of every individual, and connected this to the Kinus Torah, saying that one should not say that if there weren’t many other people then he would stay to enhance the event but being that there are many people present his attendance is not needed. Rather, even if there are many other people, it is important that each individual participates in a Kinus Torah.

Rabbi L. Y. Raskin, the Dayan of the Lubavitch community, discussed the Halachah regarding to hearing Megillah through a microphone, or over the phone. Quoting the letters of the Rebbe, he explained that a microphone projects a new sound, and not the voice of the reader. Furthermore, by using a microphone, one is creating a problem even for those who are able to hear the reader even without the mike.

Rabbi Zonszajn, Maggid Shiur in the Gerer Yeshiva in London, graced the occasion, and addressed the crowd.
He discussed at length the connection between Pesach and Shovuos, explaining that leaving Mitzrayim is in itself an incomplete redemption. Only when Bney Yisroel accepted the Torah did they become a nation and become eternally connected to Hashem. In the Pesach Bein Hazmanim there is great opportunity to prepare for Matan Torah, cso one should ensure that this special opportunity for real freedom doesn’t go to waste.


Hatomim Gavriel Schwei: When the Romans wished to disturb the Yidden serving Hashem, they chose three specific Mitzvos, learning Torah; Keeping Shabbos and observing Bris Milah. Why only these three? This was explained according to the revealed part of the Torah and according to the inner part of the Torah – Chasidus.

Hatomim Zalman Ives: If a thief who steals Chometz, does he transgress the prohibition of owning Chometz on Pesach? Does the legitimate owner? Both? None?

A full analysis of the various opinions of the Rishonim on this topic.

Hatomim Mendel Raskin: 30 days before the Chag we are to study the laws of the Chag. Where is the source that this applies by all Chagim? One line in the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchon Oruch clarifies, simply and strongly, a question that has been asked for centuries.

Hatomim Shloime Schwei: Money or money’s value? A major topic in Lubavitcher Yeshivos during this past Zeman, where Maseches Kidushin is being studied.

Discussion of the Sugya followed by resolving a contradiction between Rashi in Kidushin and Rashi in Baba Metzia, based on a Rashi in another area of Baba Metzia.

Hatomim Avrohom Yeshaya Raskin: “Chabad and Chakira” Harmony or friction?

Is the study of Chakira (philosophy by Gedoley Yisroel) admired or frowned upon by our our Rebbe’im? Explaining that in Chasidus, the basis and foundation is Emunah, and we try to bring that down to our understaniding. Chakira on the other hand, bases the person’s belief on intellect and can lead one to believe only that which his rational mind grasps. Hence the importance of the study of Chasidus.