Rabbonim Establish Day of Prayer in Wake of Tragedies
In an open letter [Kol Koreh] the executive arm of Vaad Rabonei Lubavitch have established a day of fast and prayer in light of the many recent tragedies that have struck the Chabad community around the world.
The date was set for next week, Monday, Erev Rosh Chodesh Nissan.
The letter calls for everyone to give charity as a pidyon [redemption] in place of fasting. To add the following kapitlach of Tehillim in addition to those recited daily; 1, 20, 22, 35, 38, 79, 80, 83, 112, 120, 121, 130, 142 and 150. To add on this day a Shiur in Nigleh and Chassidus. And to add in Ahavas Yisroel.
The letter concludes that through this G-d will bless us as one and the Rebbe will awaken much mercy and from here on will be only good to the Chabad community and Klal Yisroel and will speed up the coming of Moshiach.
The letter was signed by Rabbi Dovid Shochet, Rabbi Avrohom Hertz, Rabbi Elimelech Zweibel, Rabbi Moshe Bogomilsky, Rabbi Boruch Alexander Zushe Winner, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Shusterman, Rabbi Yisroel Rosenfeld and Rabbi Yehuda Leib Schapiro.
Additionally the Rabbis of the Crown Heights Beis Din have joined in signing the letter, their signatures include Rabbi Avrohom Osdoba, Rabbi Yitzchok Raitport and Rabbi Shlomo Yehuda Segal.
Lechatchilah Ariber!
Is it a day of fasting or not?
The letter only speaks about giving tzedakah instead of fasting?
Please clarify!
Great Dane
How much does one give as a pidyon instead of fasting?
Avraham Yosef Follick
At least as much as you would pay for a day’s worth of food.
Why fast? At every time of tradedy the Rebbe pointed to voids in ahavas yistoel NOT fasting and prayer. There are a lot of tangible ways to enhance ahavas yisroel NO fast will be an easy way out.
please read what the rabonim wrote
for clarity.
The Rabonim in this announcement ask for four things (actually based on instructions we have received in the past from the Rebbe & other places)
1. GIVE TZEDOKO as redemption of fasting (the value of meals, no one is telling you to actually fast).
2. Say extra Tehillim, and they list Tehillim we are advised to say in times of need.
3. LEARN extra Nigla & Chassidus (easy done wither via sefer, on line or on the phone)
4. AD in Ahavas & Achdus Yisroel (each person can look at themselves to see how to fulfil that)
and hopefully by adding good we will be blessed.
It doesn’t say to fast. Please make that clearer, CHI.
What are you talking about? Those of us who were around when the Rebbe was with us clearly remember many half-day fasts that the rabbonim called, with the Rebbe’s explicit approval and participation. So don’t pretend otherwise.
Article incorrect
Please read the actual letter before posting your summary.
As a concerned member of the (Jewish) community, as well as the Crown Heights community, I feel it is imperative for this matter to be brought to the attention of the Rabbonim, and that they act on it. This is very obviously a matter of life and …..
Think about it, all of the latest tragedies of young shluchim and shluchos passing away began after the horrific death of the bochur Gedalia. Once must draw the conclusion that there is a connection. One need therefore to simply look at the Hayom Yom of the day of Gedalia’s petira, and the message is crystal clear.
The Hayom Yom of that day simply states that the Rov is the head etc. of the community, and when the “head” is healthy then the body is healthy.
It is in their hands to STOP these tragedies, simply by burying all the childish nonsense (which, as well is what is chasing away our youth from the proper derech).
You people of the Vaad are in the position, not just to try to raise funds to support them, but to make them aware of what they are causing around the chabad world. Not a day or a week goes by since Gedalia’s petira that we don’t hear lo aleinu of another young person leaving us.
Please exercise your powers to bring a stop to these tragedies. (I’m sure people will then be much more eager to support them financially as well)
Hatzlacha Rabba
Kop Mentch
When lay people (aka am haratzim) direct Rabbonim and tell them what to do (as in “ATTENTION RABBONIM!!!!!!!…”), you do not need Rabbonim who are leaders but rather you need “Followers”, namely, Rabbonim who are led by the Lay People and follow their commands.
Such Rabbonim exist. Even the Torah speaks of such Rabbonim: Vayehi Rov B’Aretez – der Rov ligt in der erd.
But if you want true Rabbonim – how dare you address them in such a manner and command them of your opinions?!!