Thousands of ‘Achdus Baskets’ Delivered over Purim

Dozens of volunteers, hundreds of deliveries and thousands of yards of ribbon – all for the delivery of over 6,000 Shalach Monos and Achdus baskets over Purim and the days prior by the Oholei Torah PTA.

This year’s Oholei Torah PTA Purim Campaign was indeed a smashing success. Each Purim package was well coordinated, most delightful to the eye – and of course the palette.

Rabbi Rosenfeld thanked all the PTA volunteers – mothers who gave of themselves, and of their families, for the benefit of the Talmidim of the school.

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  • Kol Hakovod

    to Frayda Brown – great job on the ‘Majestic Bounty” – the largest gift basket – as always!

  • beautiful

    they were amazing and well worth the money

    only parents of OT can pull something off this large

  • Parent of OT

    WOW!! what amazing work!!
    The siddurim were beautiful. Thank you to the group who organizes this amazing project!!

  • Amazing PTA

    Thank you for volunteering so many hours for the benefit of our boys. Your selfless dedication is to be admired. Aida, Tzippy and all the others- kol hakovod. You are an example to all.


    Kudos to OT. If only they would deliver the achdus baskets on Purim day itself. They would be m’zakeh thousands of people with the mitzvah of shalach manos.
    Everyone should contact the committee and make the request. Eventually they may listen.