Winners of Hadar Hatorah Purim Raffle Announced
The 16 lucky winners of the annual Purim raffle, the proceeds of which benefit the NCFJE’s Yeshivas Hadar Hatorah in Crown Heights, have been announced:
1: $5000.00 Cash – Shlomo Helinski, North Miami Beach, FL
2: Megillas Esther – Michoel Slater, Brooklyn, NY
3: $1500. Travel – Aryeh Leib Fuss, Brooklyn, NY
4: Dell Computer – Moishy Goldberg, Brooklyn, NY
5: Five Piece Sterling Silver Shabbos Table Set – Shloime Feldman, Brooklyn, NY
6: Diamond Pendant – Steve Batkin, Greenwich, CT
7: Men’s or Women’s Watch by Raymond Weil – Malka Stern, Brooklyn, NY
8: $1000 Macy’s ,Gap Gift Certificate – Yehoshua Mishulovin, Los Angeles, CA
9: Dazzling Earings – Yaakov Rosenthal, Brooklyn, NY
10: “Eishes Chayil” by Michoel Muchnik – Baruch Leib Bongart, Brooklyn, NY
11: Michel Shwartz Lithograph: Yisroel Goldstein, Naperville, IL
12: iPad Air – Shmuel Gelber, Brooklyn, NY
13: Skagen Men’s watch – Shlomo Helinski, North Miami Beach, FL
14: Canon Digital Camera – Shlomo Helinski, North Miami Beach, FL
15: Canon Camcorder – Moshe Klein, Brooklyn, NY
16: i-Pad Nano – Mendy Weiss, Brooklyn, NY