Students Celebrate Achievements with Exciting Trip

For a full month, the Talmidim of 7th and 8th grades of United Lubavitcher Yeshiva on Crown St. participating in the Chayolei Beis Dovid program focused on the theme of “Ani Nivreisi L’shamesh Es Koni” (I was only created to serve Hashem). As a celebration of their great success, on Thursday the Talmidim visited the Artistic Stitch Sports Complex in Queens.

Later that night was a “Seder Sichos” in Yagdil Torah (Heichal Halimud), as every Thursday night.

Chayolei Beis Dovid and its daily programs are organized by the Bochurim Moishy GoldsteinShaya Spielman and Dudi Slapochnik.

The weekly schedule of a Chayol:

On Sunday, he decides which achievements he will be working on this week and fills them into his weekly Duch to the Rebbe.

On Sunday night, he joins the CBD Rambam Teleconference to learn that day’s Perek of Rambam.

On Monday, he gives in his last week’s Duch for the Rebbe, and enters the on-time raffle.

On Tuesday night, he once again joins the bi-weekly Rambam Teleconference.

On Thursday night, if he’s in 7th grade he goes to Oholei Torah Zal for Mishmar. If he’s in 8th grade, he plays in the Oholei Torah gym for an hour and then walks to Yagdil Torah for a Seder Sichos.

On Friday, he goes on Mivtzoim. As a part of the Chayolei Beis Dovid program, every Friday, the Talmidim have the opportunity to go on Mivtzoim to Harbor View, a senior citizen center in Brooklyn, where they give out literature, help the men with Tefillin, and sing for them a few songs.

On Shabbos morning before Shacharis, he enjoys a Chassidus Shiur in “the tunnel” of 770.

On Shabbos afternoon, he attends a class Mesibas Shabbos. (On winter Shabbosos he attends a Melave Malka on Motzoei Shabbos).

And then it’s Sunday again! What a Geshmakeh week that was!

For more information about the Chayolei Beis Dovid program, click here.


  • Impressed

    It’s so nice to see these boys on Friday Mivtzoim.
    They are the future of Lubavitch… :-)

  • nachas

    Nissan, were so happy and proud to see you continuing to do the Rebbe’s work! We’re sure that the Rebbe is looking and watching how you, and the other bochurim are continuing this holy work, and giving much nachas. Its really amazing to see how you give strength and happiness to the people that need it, and at the same time doing mivtzoyim.
    keep up the tremendous work!!

    Nissan, those ball pitches and catches are right on target!
    the best player!!

    thank you Chayolei Beis Dovid (M.G., S.S., and D.S.) for arranging and working on such a meaningful project.

  • Hey Zalmen!

    Nice to see you singing over there!
    Continue doing the Rebbe’s Mivtzoim, keep it up!

    • they have their own thing

      Chayolei Beis Dovid is only for 7th and 8th grade.
      6th grade and under have the Tzivos Hashem program which is also very successful Baruch Hashem

  • To Dovid Aryeh

    I didn’t know you’re a singer too!
    Keep on doing the Rebbe’s Mivtzoim and making all of us proud too

  • Nissan

    Nissan Deutsch, we are so proud of you! doing mivtzoyim and bringing smiles to all these yiddishe faces.
    keep on doing the Rebbes work!
    From all of us!!!