School Aims to Develop with Matching Donation Grant

For 24 hours, every dollar you donate to Lamplighters will become four dollars, thanks to a special ‘Donation Matching’ grant thanks to the generous support of three donor, Eli Nash, Yosef Sidof and Shaya Gordon.

The goal is to raise $50,000 in order to maintain our healthy budget and further our research and development of pioneering curriculum models that reach every child.

Donate here:

Everyone agrees that there needs to be change in Jewish education. But what?

Torah education is true. But we must face the fact that there are many, many Jewish children who are not getting what they need – And continuing to do the same things we’ve been doing for the last 200 years is not working.

We need to find new ways of connecting 100% of Jewish children to the Torah that is their heritage.

By committing ourselves to the essence of pure Torah education while implementing cutting edge research, we are aiming for just that.  The result is an exciting project- a living project.  One that constantly strives to strike a finer and finer balance between staying true to our timeless traditions and uncovering the way to connect every single Jewish child, in his own unique way, to his personal mission.

Jewish education, Chinuch, is the revelation of an entire child.  It is the space in which a child’s whole being comes to life as he discovers his passions and love for learning.

Every interaction, every collaboration, every innovation reveals and develops one more facets of the child’s unique Avodas Hashem.

Chinuch is a vital, living process.  That is why Lamplighters Yeshivah is living, too.

Lamplighters Yeshivah is an innovative Chassidic school that melds Montessori methodology with the scientific rigor and measure of Behaviorism to build a new type of school model within the Jewish system.

How does Lamplighters Yeshiva accomplish teaching kids in the ways we have described?  The answer is based on 8 basic principles that dictate how we set up an environment that children will learn truly al pi darko

1.       Movement enhances learning.
2.       Learning is improved when one has control over his or her life.
3.       Interest in a subject motivates the learner.
4.       Without understanding behavior, extrinsic rewards are worthless.
5.       Collaboration not only improves academic learning but reinforces derech eretz.
6.       When the context of learning is concrete and real, real learning occurs.
7.       A teacher is guide, educator, friend, and mashpia.
8.       Order and consistency in the environment are essential.
9.       Education is a fluid process driven from the child up.

Our goal is to fund the $50,000 needed to research and develop curriculum and continue to train teachers in a new model that blends our revolutionary methodology with timeless Jewish learning.

Three gracious sponsors have agreed to quadruple every donation we receive from the community at large. That means that for a $1 gift from you, $4 will be raised for Lamplighters!

More About Lamplighters Yeshivah

“It takes a village to raise a child.” We, the Lamplighters community, are reclaiming the village dimension in educating our children and joining together as one family with a common vision.

In November 2009, humble seeds of change were planted. A group of Crown Heights parents allowed themselves to dream, to envision a new educational experience for their children.  The first year, we had 12 students. Today, 4 years later, we have over 70 boys and girls ages 3-9 in our growing school!

Our school has become a model school of how Chassidic, personalized education really can look — and succeed — with professionally trained teachers and students with a passion for learning.

Become a part of our living, growing movement. Become a Lamplighter.

Donate here: