Banquet Videos: The Inspiring Speeches

From the opening remarks to the Keynote, and concluding with the Roll Call, presents a video recap of the inspiring and emotional speeches made at the Kinus Hashluchos Banquet Sunday night.

Greetings from the Chairperson: Mrs. Estee Stern

Mrs. Estee Stern – Johannesburg, South Africa

Reflections: Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky

A Conversation with Shluchos

Baila Olidort Interviews: Estie Greenberg and Chanie Mondshine

Guest Speaker: Diana Sragowicz

Keynote Address: Chanie Lipskar

Mrs. Chanie Lipskar, emissary to Bal Harbour, Florida, addresses the Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Women Emissaries on January 26, 2014.

Shluchos Roll Call

Rochel Gordon – Tasmania, Australia; Bat Sheva Cohen – Chevron, Israel; Chana Lieblich – Wilmington, North Carolina; Sara Steifel – Lipetsk, Russia