Seminars on Family Purity Leave Tourists Inspired

Last week, the popular Chabad lecturer Mrs. Nathalie Riess gave a series of seminars and workshops on Taharas Hamishpacha for groups of young female tourists from Brazil and Argentina in Tzfas, Israel.

The lectures were given in English and Spanish at the “Tzfat Mikvah,โ€ where she explained to the young women the importance and beauty of the Mitzvah of family purity as taught in Chassidus, and made sure that they left with all their questions and doubts about Jewish law and intimacy answered. After an intense hour of questions and answers, they left happy and proud to be Jewish Women.

Later in the week, Mrs. Riess lectured female professors of Bar-Ilan University on “Tu Bโ€™Shvat and healing emotional eating,” this time in Hebrew, at the Rimnon Hotel, where they were joined by other female guests. The lecture was about mindful eating, positive thinking and working on our traits-middos, as taught in Chassidus. It was spiced with a personal story and anecdotes.

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