Netanyahu Praises Dedication of Chabad in Russia

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu praised the dedication and achievements of Chabad-Lubavitch emissaries in Russian-speaking lands.

In remarks recorded for the Fifth Conference of the Federation of Jewish Communities of the Former Soviet Union and addressed to Russian Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar, FJC President Lev Leviev, and Rabbi Alexander Boroda, Netanyahu noted that collectively, they had reached and continue to reach hundreds of thousands of Jews across Eastern Europe and Asia.

Turning to the hundreds of rabbis stationed in communities across the former Soviet Union, he told them: “You joined the Rebbe’s army of emissaries and you have done … a tremendous job to return Jews to their heritage, to return Jews to their nation, to return Jews to each other.

“I ask that you continue your holy work for our common purpose,” he concluded, “to ensure a future for the Jewish nation and to ensure an awareness of Jewish heritage.”