Cheder Chabad Girls had an inspiring Chof Beis Shvat today.

Treats from Russia at Monsey Girls Cheder

Cheder Chabad Girls had an inspiring Chof Beis Shvat today.

The day began with a visit from a group of Russian women who are in New York for the special day. The girls said the 12 Psukim with such liveliness that the visitors where very inspired. The fourth graders sang Bruchim Habo’im with cute motions to welcome our guests, and the third graders sang a beautiful song about Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka.

They then watched a video (below) that all the Chaya Mushkas at Cheder Chabad made, speaking about their special name and their hope to emulate the legacy of Rebetzin Chaya Mushka.

The guests were very impressed with the students. They gave out 2 special treats that they brought specially from Russia.

The girls went back to their classrooms and they learned about Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka. It was a real Nachas to see the older students learning with younger ones with such Ahavas Yisroel.

After that, the girls made arts and crafts connected to the name Mushka. Mushka means “good smell.” The younger grades made a Besomim arts and crafts, and the older grades made a beautiful potpourri hanger to use in their closets.

Thank you Mrs. Rosenblum for organizing this beautiful event.