Shliach Elected Head of Sydney Rabbinic Council
Rabbi Yoram Ulman was elected the president of the Rabbinic Council of New South Wales last week, and he has some big plans for the organisation.
The new president told his colleagues that he wants to establish a central marriage, circumcision and baby-naming registry to enable rabbis to easily determine who is Jewish.
The registry, which will be similar to those established in South Africa and Israel, will be established in cooperation with the Sydney Beth Din and the Organisation of Rabbis of Australasia.
Currently when a couple asks a rabbi to be married, the onus is on each individual rabbi to conduct research to assure that the couple is Jewish.
However, with the introduction of the registry, the responsibility will fall on the Sydney Beth Din.
Although Rabbi Ulman was unavailable for comment, Rabbi Chaim Ingram, who was re-elected as RCNSW honorary secretary, said this is a great development for the entire community.
“We are very excited about it and we are going to pursue this,” Rabbi Ingram said. “This will benefit the entire community because it will centralise everything and it will make sure there are no mistakes that fall through the net.
“Occasionally there are heart-braking cases when we discover that someone is not Jewish and this will all be able to be investigated and sorted out in good time with the introduction of the registry.”
The executive of the RCNSW was also elected at the annual general meeting on Tuesday.
Rabbi Eli Feldman was elected vice-president, Rabbi Paul Lewin was elected as honorary treasurer and Rabbi Yossi Feldman will stay on the executive as the immediate past president.
“If I can provide a good service to the community and do something positive then it will be great,” Rabbi Eli Feldman said. “I just want to help the Jewish community.”
His student in seminary abit back
Kol hakavod For rabbi ulman! I hold him in high esteem!
World wide Shliach
Hrav Yohoram Ulman is known as the greatest teacher and Rav in our time to paskan world wide delemmas thru his wide connections and dayonus expertize in this field including Yerusholaim and the USA .
A yaasher Koach Hrav Ulman for you services in helping hundreds of people achiving true gerus according to Halacha as the Lubavitcher Rebbe instituted . your hard work is historic and a monumental acheivement for wold Jewry
In addition
And not to forget to mention he is an expert in kosher IVF and shailos of taharas hamishpacha.thank Hashem we have such a great rav to access when we have shailos in mikvah etc
From a Sydney fan
Mazel Tov Rabbi
Jewish registry reminds me of haulocaust
Sydney mom
But that is NOT Rabbi Ingram.
in the know
that is not rabbi chaim ingram
#5, Does Sefer Ezra also remind you of “haulocaust”?
Mazal Tov to a very special person and his family! The Lewis’s – New York