Shliach Thanks Philanthropist for Lifesaving Aid

About 80 rabbis and leaders of the Bucharian Jewish community gathered in Elmhurst, Queens for a gala dinner last week. The dinner was arranged by local Shluchim Rabbi Zalman Zalmanov and Rabbi Yitzchok Wolowik, along with community leader Mr. Simcha Eliyashev.

One of the more inspiring moments of the evening was when Rabbi Ovadia Isakov, Shliach to Derbent in the region of Dagestan, Russia, who was shot and severely injured several months ago, approached philanthropist Mr. Levi Leviev, the evening’s guest of honor, and thanked him for all he has done for him.

Rabbi Isakov thanked Mr. Leviev for arranging his transportation to a hospital in Israel and for covering his medical expenses – all of which contributed greatly to his miraculous recovery.

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  • Chapzem!

    Let shomrim go into the public schools and let them know that there are cameras everywhere and we will find you and you will pay for it !!!!