Rabbi Eli Hecht Found Not Guilty in Spanish Court

Rabbi Eli Hecht, his supporters and legal council await the trial in Madrid. Photos: Shturem.

Rabbi Eli Hecht, a Tzedaka fundraiser from Kfar Chabad, Israel who was arrested in Spain on charges of drug trafficking, was aqquited of all charges in a Madrid court today. Rabbi Hecht will return home to his family after the completion of the paperwork process.


  • Milhouse

    Yodu Lashem chasdo, venifle’osov livnei odom, ki shibar dalsos nechoshes, uvrichei varzel gideia!

  • Thank you!

    Baruch Hashem! A HUGE Yasher Koach to all those who helped him through this!!!

  • rabbi lerberson is amazing!!!

    the shluchim did an outstanding job to help their fellow yid…
    yasher koach!!

  • Colel Chabad

    this is the zechus of Colel chabad and the founder the alter rebbe.
    Mazal Tov

    Eli Hecht

    May hashem protect and help all participating in the holly work of Colel Chabad

  • Wondering

    Why is the rumor that Colel Chabad actually left him hanging and that he fend off on his own?

  • greatest news

    Baruch heshem!! Eliyahu hecht is a great man,I was in barcelona this past summer and he insisted we farbreng with him in his apt,and had such a great time and was very inspired. Eliyahu always had full betochon in hashem!! So excited he’s free to go home to his wife and kids now! Eliyahi zai gebetched

  • to #8

    Kromby, a CC rep is seen in the pics. Don’t know where you’re hearing these rumors.

  • mot

    b”h. now how come he didn’t get all the hype RUbashkin did? Is he less of a deserving case of our tefillos etc.?

  • Delighted!


    B”H! B”H! I am so happy!
    With Hashem’s help, Rabbi Sholom Mordechai Halevi ben Rivka along with all other yiden in jail, will also be freed!