Thompson Defeats Hynes in Race for Brooklyn DA
Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes’ 23-year run as Brooklyn’s top prosecutor has come to an end following his stunning defeat in Tuesday’s Democratic primary.
Hynes was the city’s first sitting district attorney to be voted from office since 1955 after he was defeated by former prosecutor Kenneth Thompson 55% to 44%, according to unofficial results.
A Brooklyn District Attorney had not been voted out of office since 1911.
“Tonight we have made history,” Thompson told his supporters. “It has been against tough odds, we are now on a path to a better future for Brooklyn, one that will make our communities both safer and stronger.”
we are in big trouble
this guy is clueless and was voted in not because he is good but because we didnt like hynes
watch what you pray for this guy will let every black guy get off while going after the frum jews
blacks will always vote for the black candidate so why wont whites vote for the white candidate?
get ready for another riot
great news!
Boruch Hashem, Hynes is out!!!
He was a loser. For all the little favors he did for Chabad, the damage he left behind is unforgiveable. I’d say he was an old fuddy-duddy.
hynes was bad but is that a reason to vote for someone worse? we need someone better not worse
Broin From The Shwai
Mr. Hynes Dictatorship is over
The Dictator that persecuted the shomrim six on the mashchisim Blood libel time to go Every Person that had a hand in that Blood Libel is IS DOWN now
There have been allegations that Hynes, although he would “prosecute,” but, nevertheless, kind of go easy with it on frum pedophiles and other such low-lives.
This would be because he needed the support of the large frum/chassidisha block to get elected plus other perks, which may have been offered him.
Wondering how this new guy will deal with such issues. Will he be tough, or also succumb to corruption, like politicians tend to do?
let's be careful not harmful
Thank G-d this local little Stalin is out. I think we need elections in JCW as well!
there is a major party challenger, can you guess who is running on the republican ticket, I know you cant guess, so I will tell you, Charls Hynes, anyone know him???, in other words, it aint over
And the moral of the story is: It does not pay for a DA to put politics before justice.
Hynes was cracked down on for not going after molesters in the Jewish communities. So, he responded by letting the molesters continue running around loose — and instead going after innocent people used as scapegoats for developmentally disabled accusers and their incompetent, overpaid therapists who put words into their mouths, and the currupt, biased police investigators who manipulate evidence to boot.
in this case it is for the better Hynes was & is an anti semite at heart putting extra vigor etc. when prosecuting Yidden & others as well while allowing real criminals to roam free or with a slap on the wrist