Photos: Thousands Flock to Ohel on Erev Rosh Hashana

Thousands of Chasidim and Jews of all stripes flocked to the Ohel in Cambria Heights, Queens Erev Rosh Hashana to seek the Rebbe’s blessing and pray for a sweet new year.

As every year, Rabbi Avrohom Shemtov, chairman of Agudas Chasidei Chabad, read a Pan Kloli (general letter) on behalf of all the Chasidim around the world at the Rebbe’s resting place.

Photos courtesy of

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  • Answers Welcomed!!!!!

    This question comes from a sincere place, if anyone can help me figure it out, I would greatly appreciate it… Where are the women? Was there a separate women’s time? At first I thought that you’d chosen to only focus on men in mens’ spaces, but there appear to be men everywhere, even where women traditionally stand. “Jews of all stripes” implies Jews of both genders, as opposed to, say, “Jewish gentlemen of all stripes.”

    • someone who was there

      it would not be tznius to post pictures of women in the article. however i can assure you that many could even be as many as 500-800 women came. keep in mind as well that most women were at home cooking for yom tov

  • Preparing B'gashmiyous & B'ruchniouys

    These pictures were taken erev Rosh Hashana. I know where I was and probably most of my sisters also, in the kitchen! This is not a complaint or a slam, just a fact. We all serve Hashem in different ways at different times and on erev RH part of our service is in preparing the gashmiyus of Yom Tov. I did spot a shetil in the crowd and I’m sure many women went to the ohel at a less harried time as I did.