Melbourne Achieves Achdus Through Torah
Over 500 Melbourne fathers and sons packed the Werdiger Family Hall this past Motzai Shabbos for an incredible and unprecedented Torah event.
Avos U’banim is a program run by communities across the world where fathers and sons come together to learn Torah. Numerous Kehillos in Melbourne run weekly Motzai Shabbos Avos U’banim programs throughout the winter.
But this one was different.
The Communal Avos U’banim 5773 brought together fathers and sons from across the community for an evening of Achdus through Torah.
Under the banner Veyeasu Kulom Agudoh Echos La’asos Retzoncho Belevov Sholeim, the message of the evening was the fundamental value of unity amongst Klal Yisroel as it is achieved through the study of Torah which unites us.
After the learning, Rabbi Wurtzberger, Rosh HaKollel of Kollel Beis HaTalmud and Rabbi Moshe Donenbaum of Heichal HaTorah led the crowd in Tehillim. Rabbi Yonason Johnson, Rosh HaKollel of Kollel Menachem Lubavitch shared Divrei Brocha. The program concluded with refreshments and a grand raffle.
The energy and excitement was palpable, with the boys (and fathers) knowing that they were being a part of something special. Each boy received a beautiful engraved souvenir memento to take home with which to remember this unique evening and its message.
The event received unanimous endorsement from all of the Rabbonim of the participating Kehillos, Roshei Kollel, as well as the Menahalim of the local boys’ schools. Their warm and encouraging words of Divrei Brocha were printed in a souvenir booklet.
The event came together through the vision and tireless effort of a group comprising Rabbis from across the community. A special thank you goes to; Rabbi Arieh Berlin (Shaarei Tefillah), Rabbi Yonason Johnson (Kollel Menachem), Rabbi Binyomin Strasser, Rabbi Binyomin Fogelgarn, Rabbi Reuven Centner and Dr. Yoav Bensky.
A big Yasher Koach also is due to the evening’s sponsors and to all those who helped to make the evening the great success that it was.
The night of Selichos was a most appropriate evening on which to host this event. What greater zechus could we have when approaching the Yomim Noraim then a display of Achdus Yisroel through the study of Torah.
May this zechus bring Hashem’s blessings to the entire Jewish community of Melbourne and to all Jews throughout the world for a Kesivah Vechasimah Tovah, Leshonah Tovah Umesuka.
Woohoo, spot the cousins!
Blesofskys, you’re getting BIG!
Beis Rivka Seminary Student
We miss you rabbi Johnson!
You were the best halacha teacher there could be!
New York lost an amazing teacher!
Aliza werdiger
Is this Aliza werdigers family?
Go BJJ seckd trip!!!!!
A huge Kiddush Hashem
Kesivoh vachasimoh toivoh leshonoh toivoh umesukoh to all !!
Hey Rabbi Bondar
We miss you here in LA