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Wool Tzitzis Lands Chabad Soldier in Military Jail

A Chabad soldier serving in the north of Israel was instructed to remove his wool tzitzis during sports activities for fear he would overheat and possibly dehydrate. His commander told him during sport activities he may not wear three layers (undershirt, tzitzis and shirt).

The soldier explained that he cannot remove the tzitzis for he is stringent in observing this mitzvah in line with Chabad minhag – to always wear wool tzitzis. The company commander became insistent and the soldier explained that this is his belief and he is unwilling to compromise. When things became more heated the soldier explained he will gladly sit in jail over this for it is a matter of principle.

The company commander took the matter to his superior officer and the Chabad soldier was sent to the IDF Nafach Prison for 10 days.

When asked to comment on the incident the IDF Spokesman explains the soldier was not jailed for the tzitzis but for insubordination pertaining to his remarks to officers. The statement says the soldier refused the company commander’s request and then he was taken to the brigade commander. He told the senior officer that for him “there only law is Torah Law, which trumps IDF law. He was jailed for his insubordination without connection to the tzitzis.”

However, the soldier’s family members insist they spoke with soldiers who were present and the IDF spokesman is simply trying to sweep the incident under the rug. In reality, the soldier was jailed for his tzitzis, simple as that.


  • facts

    there have been a few stories lately regarding so called chabad IDF recruits. in all cases the issue was regarding radical maschsin, who insisted on screaming yechji, and in more then one incident took down a unit flag and replaced with a Moashiach flag.

    most of these recruits are BT maschistin, similar to what we are used to dealing with.

    please don’t besmear the chabad name, by mixing the the two.

    • Miriam

      I never answer this type of posts but this was really too much, and totally uncalled for. We are in the month of Elul, remember that? How can you judge? Do you know all the facts?

  • former idf soilder

    he probably has a jew hating druz for a commander. I never trusted them. never ate with them and never got along with them.

  • former soilder

    when I was working in the old city Jerusalem my commanding officer (druz) tried telling me that I cant make havdalla at the shecem gate (arab section). we used to do it every motzo Shabbos in the middle of the street, nice and loud. I of course we did it anyways.tried to court martial me. went to the regenial command and and filed a complaint. never bothered me again

  • Israeli scumbags

    Sounds like the Typical non-frum Israeli who can’t stand the sight of frum yidden. Go chabad soldier! Go!!! Amazing! I understand that in an army one must listen to his superiors or else he gets punished, seems that this soldier completely understood this as well and accepted the “punishment” with Kabolas Ol. I also understand that they do exercise and work the soldiers to the bone, so there is such a possibility of overheating. However, is there a proven case of a chabad soldier wearing woolen tzitzes and he overheated? Are they basing this on something that actually happened? Or possibly there have been chabad soldiers who wore woolen tzitzes and DID NOT overheat??!!???!

  • Yomin

    The war against frum Jews, in which unfortunately Bennett is a prime fighter – against us. Israel has been protected miraculously, in large part in the zechus of Toras Eretz Yisroel, which the Modern-Orthodox, aka “Religious” Zionists, now seek to harm in the name of being “more modern.” This is what it leads to and Hashem Yishmor. Fortunately they’re tinokos shenishbau and don’t know better, so Hashem should forgive them, but we should in no way be connected to or supportive of “Modern Orthodoxy” (which the Rebbe once referred to as “neieh conservative”) and we need to hold by true Torah.

  • ch res

    #1 if anyone has a problem with moshiach it is you and only you … the story mentions NOTHING about moshiach ONLY tzizis … though you needed to bring up moshiach … i wonder why ??

    • Think about it

      Tzizis remind us of all the mitzvot, one of them is moshiach, there is a way how to do a mitzva and sacrifice for it. Read carefully: Waving flags is not a mitzva and will not bring moshiach! (Flags were only used in the desert to identify individual tribes as a form of separation / segregation, NOT unification – which is a prerequisite to moshiach).

  • yossi

    I don’t get the outrage.Is it only me?
    Unfortunately soldiers have died from heat during training.It is not unreasonable to tell a soldier to take of woolen tzizis during exercise in heat.
    I would love to hear one rov backup this soldiers stance which in my opinion is totally misguided

  • ch res

    #12 did you ask a rav before you wrote what you wrote ??? i guess NOT … chabad to my knowledge wears tzizus all the time .. even at night time … not like some others who say nighttime there is NO mitzvah of tzizus therefore no need to wear .. i do NOT feel a chabad rav will give permission for one to take off tzizus because of heat or whatever .. the soldier could drink more water if need be .. there is NO mitzvah to compromise on a mitzvah if one it DOING it sincerely

  • Nother solution?

    How about tzttzis on top of shirt, and removing a bottom layer? Or is that only reserved for the “peyos levush”?

  • The IDF

    Does have an official camouflaged cotton Tzizis that is issued to all frum soldiers.
    It seems to me that it was immature for this recruit to challenge a commanding officer. And what, he wont be able to do his duties until he puts on rabainu tams?
    The Halacha states that a soldier does not even have to keep shabbos.

  • yossi

    ch res, number 13
    Did you ask a rov?
    What rov would tell you to put yourself in danger for this?
    The minhag to wear tzizis at all times, is not where it may cause danger, or evenwhen one won’t be able to train properly