Hundreds Turn out for Barbecue in Support of RCCS
An exciting and tasty barbecue graced East 22nd Street and Avenue I in Flatbush, in front of the home of Pinny and Yaffa Rand, yesterday, August 6. The event was for the benefit the Rofeh Cholim Cancer Society and their assistance to cancer-stricken patients in the Flatbush and Crown Heights communities.
Delicious entrees, mouth-watering accoutrements, and exciting raffle prizes and entertainment combined for an evening of chesed and inspiration. Wine tasting, a sushi bar, and other delectable delights added to the festivities. The Mezamrim choral group provided entertainment.
The RCCS honored Mr. Dovid Rogatsky of Crown Heights and Mr. Chaim Deutsch of Flatbush with the Community Service Award.
The event was dedicated in Memory of Tziporah Faiga Gelb (Bas Avrohom Yeudah) OBM, Baila Fogel (bas Chaim Moshe Aryeh Alter) OBM, and Linda Zeffren (Leah Devorah bas Naftali Hertz) OBM.
Each year, RCCS saves the lives of hundreds of cancer-stricken patients in need by subsidizing their health insurance premiums, thus providing them access to the best possible medical care. RCCS subsidizes insurance policies for over 300 cancer-stricken patients, and provides hundreds more with insurance advocacy, social services, and medical direction.
Photos by Shmuli Evers
kadesh atzmecha bamutar loch?? a new lubavitch, new minhogim, looks more like a labor day fiesta, at least that we know is treif
You do know people do enjoy the Labor Day fiesta. Trust me. My eyes don’t deceive me.
do you have any idea how much money was raised b/c of this event? do you know were the $ goes to?
just shut up!
Nevel. kremachug
No not a new Lubavitch…. THIS IS NOT LUBAVITCH!!!!
getzy keeps working those tables lol
This is why I did not go
I do not want the whole world to see me trying to stuff my burger in my face.
whats wrong with you???
Being chassidish and shpitz lubavitch doesnt mean you feel you being heiliker and higher than others. the rebbe never ever made any comments like this. so its about time you start being a real lubavitcher. a emesdik chossid and you look with that inner eye how you can be a true chossid. a real lubavitcher.
If you decide to make minhoguim do them in a way you can inspire others to have you as a model. not in a way that you feel so holy…
Get inspire by this organization who saves and helps so many. they had saved people on my family. start getting inspire by them. start inspire others to be that “real lubavitchers”. Just remember in order to be a limplyghter you got to have some light…..