Photos: Sephardi Chief Rabbi Visits the Rebbes Room
Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi Shlomo Moshe Amar, visited – for the first time – the Rebbes room in 770 this morning.
Rabbi Amar was in New York to attend the wedding of the granddaughter of Rabbi Leibel Zajac of Anash in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Instructed by the Rebbe, Rabbi Zajac was heavily involved in matters pertaining to Giyorus [conversions] and the ‘Mihu Yehudi’ campaign. Through his work he became very close to Rabbi Amar, who has since attended all the weddings in his family.
Last night the wedding of his granddaughter Mushy Zajac to Zalman Torenheim from Trumbull, CT took place in the Razag Ballroom in Crown Heights, with Rabbi Amar in attendence.
During the trip the Chief Rabbi expressed his interest in visiting the Rebbes room and study in 770, and this morning he did. Along with his wife and accompanied by Rabbi Leibel Zajac they toured the room as well as the ‘broadcast room’.
Rabbi Moshe Klein, who arranged the visit, explained how the Rebbe spent time in Yechidus and in private in his study. Rabbi Amar and his wife spent some time alone in the room and davened.
Afterwards Rabbi Amar recorded a special interview with two of Chabad’s leading news websites CrownHeights.info and Shturem.net, for the upcoming Gimmel Tammuz. The interview, which was recorded in Hebrew, will be published in the near future.
Following which he received a tour of the broadcast room, which was built and renovated by Rabbi Chaim Boruch Halberstam, who established WLCC. Rabbi Amar marveled at how technology was used to spread the Rebbes Sichos and Maamorim well before the advance of technology.
As the visit concluded Rabbi Amar stopped in the two ‘upstairs zal’s’ and watched Bochurim learning.
very nice
kol hakovod to harav zajac,
Mazal Tov!
Mazal Tov to Zalman & Mushky!
The Zayjac family must be very special to have such an unbelievable zechus to have such a phenomenal son-in-law as Zalman, and such wonderful mechutanim as the Torenheim family.
The Torenheim’s are a family of Tzadikkim Mammash!
May their entire mishpacha have nachas from all their children, and they should continue to have simchas, yiddisher nachas, gezunt & parnossa b’shefa b’gashmius v’ruchnius gam yachad.
Mazel Tov Schneur Zalman and Mushky!
It was a very nice wedding af simchas!
The wedding was the best I’ve ever been to! Zalman Torenheim is a tzadik mamesh!!!!! A real gem!!!!!!!!!!