NYT Omits Rubashkin from WH Petition Report

In a story posted yesterday at the New York Times, the writer points out that six of the sixty four petition issues at the White House “We the People page” are focused on legalizing Pot, and that a total of 77,000 signed for this issue between all six petitions.

Nothing wrong if Pot was the only focus of the piece, but the report points out the following:

“A petition to stop animal homelessness has passed the 5,000-signature threshold and has 7,726 supporters… More than 8,000 people want to dissolve the electoral college… The protectors of shark fins have a little work to do. Only 2,136 people have so far petitioned for a ban on the sale, trade and possession of the fins… Haters of former President George W. Bush are having little luck with their petition to investigate him for war crimes. Only 318 have signed so far… But there are apparently plenty of people who don’t like waiting in lines at the airport. At least 21,124 people have signed a petition to abolish the Transportation Security Administration.”

The Rubashkin Petition that has 19,000 signatories and is the third most-signed off all issues is not mentioned in the report. One can argue that all those issues are monkey stuff and as such they made it to the report, but Rubashkin is too serious of an issue to be placed into the same report. OK, fair enough. But if the Times editors agree that this is no laughing matter, they should look into it and get to the bottom of the accusations leveled against the Government.

Last week, when Rubashkin was the second most-signed issue, The Hill publication, widely read in national political circles, also made no mention of the Rubashkin issue.

Yossi Gestetner is a New York-Based Writer and Marketing Consultant in the Orthodox Jewish/Hasidic Communities. His Firm “Gestetner & Co” Serves Political, Charitable and Corporate accounts. Yossi can be reached via yossi@yossigestetner.com


  • BCH

    Seriously? The guy listed a bunch of weird issue petitions and you would have liked him to list a serious petition for Sholom Mordechai among them? And you a “Marketing Consultant”?????? Unreal!

  • 1234567890

    this is ridiculous, the times neither mentioned petitions number 4, 5, or 8 etc etc.

    get out of your victim mode, and focus on the fact that now someone from the executive branch, either obama or holder etc, will make an actual response.

    also the positive, that america sees that rubashkin is innocent, and deserves justice

  • very unfortunate

    the reason he is being ignored is A) court of appeals turned him down and B) no one cares, this is an old dated story and in the eyes of the public its over and done with.

  • Big Mouth

    To #1: Did you read this post in full? Indeed, once the NYT decided that is not a junk story, they should have had for it (Rubashkin) a seperate post. But they dont. Why?

    To post #2. Did you notice that petition 4,5, 8 or whatever you typed have way less signatures than Rubashkin? Did you notice that our petition is for one person (not a loose issue) yet has so many names signed but the Times didnt see it news worthy?

  • DeClasse- Intellectual

    Any questions about the NYT read the book ALL THE NEWS NOT FIT TO PRINT for an answwer to why

  • Seriously?

    “Yossi Gestetner is a New York-Based Writer and Marketing Consultant in the Orthodox Jewish/Hasidic Communities.”

    If you want to make it as a writer, you’re going to have to learn to … well, write.

  • use their TRICk

    Iys a clever chap.

    How did the Marajuana get 77k?
    Simple the made 4 pettitions

    Each maruagana voter can vote for all 4 = many more votes

    Rubashkin should also have multiple petitions
    Suddenly rubashkin will have 4x the presemt votes

    Thoigh I dont think the NYT will do the math & count all the votes to combined

  • comments to #5, and #8

    to # 5.

    I did read the article in full, and it was satircal at best. All the petitions that the author mentioned were petitions that he was making fun of. These were some of the outright ridiculous agendas that some people are trying to push. And for this reason alone, I am grateful that Rubashkin was not on his list.
    to # 8
    Actually, it would be better NOT to use their trick!!! The instructions clearly state that multiple petitions will be ignored, even possibly jeapordizing the original petitions’ position!!

    Also READ THE ARTICLE!! the 77,000 votes are not all for the POT petition, that number is the sum total of the 6 petitions that the author mentioned in his article, only one of them being the “pot” issue, so your whole reasoning would not apply in any case!!