3rd Grader Remembered with Mishnayos Baal Peh
This past Sunday Yeshivah College students paid tribute in memory of Nathan Dzienciol, a 3rd grade Yeshiva student who tragically passed away 23 years ago.
The event opened with students reciting 7 Mishnayos beginning with the Hebrew letters of his name: Nosson Aron.
Many of Nathan’s former classmates attended the presentation. Yossele Aron spoke about Nathan’s great love of helping people as well as his enthusiasm for the study of Mishnah. He spoke about the millions of lines of Torah that have been memorized in the past 23 years and what a great merit it is for Nathan’s Neshama.
Certificates and vouchers were awarded to each of the 181 students who memorized sections of Siddur, Chumash, Mishnah, Gemara and Tanya this year. Special awards were given to the 64 students who memorized at least one chapter of Mishnah or Tanya. These 64 students together memorized 205 chapters of Mishnah and 136 chapters of Tanya.
The top Mishnah awards were presented to Shmuel Yosef Greenbaum and Yaakov Dovid Gordon who each memorized 5 books of Mishnah. The top Tanya award was presented to Mendel Goldberg who memorized 13 chapters of Tanya.
This year Yeshivah College students reached a record with boys memorizing 136 chapters of Tanya within the last 6 months. There are few Yeshivahs in the world that can match these achievements. Enthusiasm, dedication and commitment to their studies, as well as their deep passion for continued Jewish Learning defines the boys at Yeshivah College. Following the presentation, everyone was invited to a L’Chaim in memory of Nathan.
Old Student
The Rabbi Pictured doesn’t even get a mention?!?!? That’s Rabbi Yossi Gordon who’s as pure a chossid as was his father, R. Sholom Gordon A”H.
go zuz!!
where are the red glasses?
What an amazing attachment.
I had heard that Melbourne has an amazing Mishnayos Bal Peh program,
I think all cities can learn from it.
Ohh yeah vice captains of primary school;) we love you naf! And nochum;)