Ohel Chana Sem First to Begin New School Year

Ohel Chana in Melbourne Australia was the first Chabad Seminary to begin its program this year. The students of 5772 began their year down under with the zechus of a farbrengen with Rabbi AL Ceitlin from Tzefas, on Motsei Shabbos Chof Av, following their arrival in Australia before Shabbos.

Rabbi Ceitlin shared with them inspirational stories about the Rebbe’s father R’ Levik and how he had such mesiras nefesh for the benefit of his fellow Jews in Russia including many stories he heard from a resident in Tzefas who was with the Rebbes father in Alma Ata. He also related how close we are to Moshiach, and that even though the Satan will try his hardest to make us fall, we should know that we are in the generation who will receive Moshiach and how important it is to utilise every moment in Seminary to the utmost in Limud hachasiddus and Darkei hachassidus.

The stimulating farbrengen was a Haschala Tova for the students seminary year IYH in Ohel Chana, and set the mood in them looking forward to continued inspiration in an enriching year in Melbourne.

A capacity number of students had come the day prior from cities around the world, who spent their first day acclimatizing themselves to the beautiful spacious dormitory complex. A warm welcome and get-to-know you Shabbos afternoon was arranged with the high school students of the Beth Rivkah, with a Neshei Chabad community welcome being planned in the coming week.

Ohel Chana – Werdiger Learning Institute looks forward to a very fulfilling year for all its students and on behalf of Anash and the Melbourne Jewish community, warmly welcomes its students to Melbourne and wishes them Hatzlocho Rabbah for the coming year.